The following requirements shall apply to all vehicular use areas including off-street parking, stacking, and loading spaces.
   (a)   Location. Parking and loading spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the principal use they are intended to serve unless otherwise regulated in this chapter.
   (b)   Modification to Existing Vehicular Use Areas. The modification of any existing off-street parking area, including, but not limited to, reduction, enlargement, restriping or remarking of any vehicular use area in a manner that differs from the existing site plan, shall require a review of the modification in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Minor modifications related to maintenance and upkeep, including, but not limited to, repaving of the existing paved area, restriping, remarking, or other similar maintenance work, are permitted without a certificate of zoning approval.
      (2)   All other modifications, including, but not limited to, the removal or expansion of existing paved areas, shall be reviewed through the certificate of zoning approval process,.
   (c)   Setback Requirements.
      (1)   Front Yards.
         A.   Unless otherwise stated, all vehicular use areas shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from any street or alley right-of-way except for permitted driveways.
         B.   In the CBD, SM-D, GI, and ITC Districts, no vehicular use areas are permitted in the front yard except for permitted driveways.
         C.   This area shall be landscaped pursuant to Chapter 1119: Landscaping and Screening.
      (2)   Side and Rear Yards. All vehicular use areas in any district except the R1-A, R1-B, and R1-C Districts shall be set back the minimum distance from side and rear lot lines as established in Table 1121-1 based on adjacent zoning districts.
Side and Rear Yard Setbacks from Adjacent Zoning (Feet)
R1-A, R1-B, R1-C, R2-C, or RM-D
OB, LB, GB, and PF
   (d)   Driveways. 
      (1)   Driveways in R1-A, R1-B, R1-C, and R2-C districts shall be set back a minimum of one (1) foot from all lot lines except from the street lot line. Such driveways shall maintain proper drainage and shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide.
      (2)   Driveways in all other districts shall be subject to the following:
         A.   The location, width and number of entrance and exit driveways serving private vehicular use areas shall be planned in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with the use of adjacent property and the flow of traffic on the streets to which they connect.
         B.   Vehicular use areas that contain up to twenty (20) parking spaces shall have at least one (1), two (2)-lane driveway located at least fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of the nearest intersecting street, except as modified by the Planning Commission.
         C.   Vehicular use areas that contain twenty (20) or more parking spaces should, if possible, have two (2), two (2)-lane driveways located not less than fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of the nearest intersecting street, except as modified by the Planning Commission.
         D.   The angle of intersection between the driveway and the street shall be between seventy (70) degrees and ninety (90) degrees. The radii of the edge of the driveway apron shall be at least twenty (20) feet.
         E.   Entrance or exit driveways shall not exceed three (3) lanes in width and shall be designed so that all vehicles can be driven forward into the street. The width of such driveways, measured at the street right-of-way line, shall conform with Table 1121-2, except as modified by the Planning Commission.
Number of Lanes
Width (Feet)
   (e)   Striping, Marking, and Maintenance.
      (1)   All parking spaces shall be striped and maintained in good condition.
      (2)   Each parking space and aisle shall be clearly designated and marked to ensure approved utilization of the space, direction of traffic flow and general safety.
      (3)   When a parking space is designated for handicapped accessibility or small car use, it shall be clearly marked as such.
      (4)   The owner of property used for parking shall maintain such area in good condition without holes and free of all trash, abandoned or junk vehicles, and other rubbish.
   (f)   Surface and Grading.
      (1)   The surface of any parking area, aisle, driveway or maneuvering area shall be paved with a hard, durable, dust free surface such as asphalt or concrete (excluding compacted gravel) and approved by the Director of Community Development.
      (2)   Gravel parking is permitted for the parking or storage of equipment if located in the rear yard only in the CS, GI, and ITC Districts. Such parking shall not be made available to customers and shall have gated or otherwise restricted access. Gravel parking may also be permitted as a temporary use in accordance with Section 1111.02.
      (3)   Porous asphalt or pervious concrete, used to reduce surface water run-off, may be used for the pavement of parking spaces (no drive aisles, driveways, or other areas) if reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. An applicant shall be required to submit a maintenance plan for upkeep of any permitted porous asphalt or pervious concrete. Failure to adhere to the maintenance plan shall be considered a violation of this code.
      (4)   All vehicular use areas shall be graded and drained so that surface water shall not flow onto adjacent property and shall be improved with asphalt concrete or Portland cement pavement.
   (g)   Wheel Stops and Curbing.
      (1)   Wheel stop devices consisting of parking blocks, permanent curbs, or other suitable barriers shall be installed to prevent any part of a parked motor vehicle from extending beyond the required parking space area, overhanging a pedestrian circulation way or sidewalk or damaging any structure or landscaping.
      (2)   The minimum height of a wheel stop device shall be five (5) inches and the minimum distance from a wheel stop device to a property line or protected area shall be two and one-half (2½) feet.
      (3)   Wheel stops shall be adequately anchored to the ground to prevent any movement.
      (4)   Continuous curbing is discouraged, but if curbing is used, it should be cut curbing or scissor curbing to allow for the passage of stormwater. See Figure 1121-A.
Figure 1121-A: Cuts in the continuous curb allow for stormwater to be directed into landscaped areas.
   (h)   Lighting. Any lighting of vehicle use areas shall be subject to Section 1113.03.
   (i)   Landscaping and Screening. Landscape and screening shall be pursuant to Chapter 1119: Landscaping and Screening.
   (j)   Prohibited Activities.
      (1)   The display, sales, or storage of any goods, wares, or merchandise shall not be permitted within any areas designated for required off-street parking, circulation, and loading unless approved as part of an accessory or temporary use, or if approved as part of a site plan.
      (2)   No part of any building, structure, or related improvements shall be temporarily or permanently located or stored in areas designated for off-street parking, circulation and loading, unless as part of an approved accessory or temporary use, or if approved as part of a site plan.
   (k)   Casual Sale of Vehicles.
      (1)   For the purposes of this section, the term "casual sale of vehicles" means a sale of an automobile, by an individual who is not a licensed motor vehicle dealer.
      (2)   In all residentially zoning districts, there shall not be displayed for casual sale any more than one used motor vehicle at any one time per residential dwelling unit. A licensed motor vehicle dealer is not permitted to make any casual sale of automobiles in residentially zoning districts.
      (3)   In any area of the City not residentially zoned, there shall not be displayed any more than two used motor vehicles for casual sale at any one time.
   (l)   Bicycle and e-Scooter Parking. When bicycle or e-Scooter parking accommodations are provided on a site, they shall be located in an area adjacent to the primary building and separate from vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation to prevent unnecessary conflicts and safety hazards between vehicles, people, bicycles and e-Scooters.
      (Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)