   A permanently paved and maintained area for standing, loading, and unloading of delivery vehicles shall be provided for principal uses in the nonresidential districts. These off-street loading facilities shall be in accordance with the following specifications:
   (a)   Number of Spaces. This code does not require a minimum number of off-street loading spaces. However, uses which receive frequent deliveries are required to provide adequate space, built to the standards as identified in this subsection.
   (b)   Size. Loading spaces shall conform to the following minimum dimensions. Unless otherwise noted, all dimensions are exclusive of any driveway, aisle or other circulation area:
      (1)   Clearance height: Fourteen (14) feet
      (2)   Minimum width: Twelve (12) feet
      (3)   Minimum length: Fifty-five (55) feet
   (c)   Location and Activities.
      (1)   All loading spaces and maneuvering areas shall be located on the same lot as the use they are intended to serve.
      (2)   A required loading space shall not face, or be visible from the street on which the lot fronts, except in ITC Districts, and shall not be located in a required front yard unless modified by the Planning Commission with a minimum setback of 200 feet from the public right-of way and adequate screening as may be required. If a loading space is entirely enclosed, it may be located in such side or rear yard if approved by the Planning Commission.
      (3)   In ITC Districts, a yard or apron for maneuvering that is a minimum of 135 feet in length shall be provided between the loading dock and entrance or exit drive, and shall not include truck or passenger car parking, maintenance facilities, or "piggyback" assembly operations.
      (4)   Off-street loading spaces shall be so arranged that they may be used without blocking, and they shall not obstruct or occupy, any parking space, circulation or drive aisles, sidewalks, or vehicle stacking spaces for drive through lanes.
      (5)   No loading ramp, dock, door or space, or any portion thereof, shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet from any lot zoned for any residential use, unless located completely within an enclosed building.
      (6)   An off-street loading space shall not be used for repairing or servicing motor vehicles.
   (d)   Access.
      (1)   All required off-street loading spaces shall have access to a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle entering or exiting the premises shall be traveling in a forward motion onto such street or alley.
      (2)   Each required off-street loading space shall be designed for direct vehicular access by means of a driveway, or driveways, to a public street in a manner which shall least interfere with adjacent traffic movements and interior circulation. The access drive of an off-street loading facility shall be located so that the driveway center line shall not be less than fifty (50) feet from the nearest intersecting street right-of-way line.
   (e)   Improvements. All off-street loading spaces shall be improved as required for all vehicular use areas as set forth in Section 1121.03.
      (Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)
   (a)   Drive-through facilities and other establishments which, by their nature, create lines of customers waiting to be served within automobiles, shall provide off-street stacking areas, on the same lot as the use, in addition to the required number of parking spaces specified in this chapter.
   (b)   The number of required stacking spaces shall be as provided for in Table 1121-6. See Figure 1121-D for an illustration of stacking spaces:
Minimum Stacking Spaces (per lane)
Measured From:
Financial Institution or Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Teller or Window
First Drive-Through Window or Stall
Automatic Vehicle Washing Establishment
Outside of Washing Bay
Self-Service Vehicle Washing Establishment
Outside of Washing Bay
Fuel Stations
2 per accessible side of the pump island
Fuel Pump
As determined by the Director of Community Development
Figure 1121-D: Illustrative example of stacking space requirements for a bank and a restaurant.
   (c)   Stacking lanes and spaces shall be provided for any use having a drive-through facility and shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Drive-through stacking lanes shall have a minimum width of eight (8) feet and a minimum length of eighteen (18) feet for each space required.
      (2)   When stacking lanes are separated from other stacking lanes, bypass lanes, or from other site areas, the separation shall be by means of a raised concrete median, concrete curb, landscaping, or painted striping.
      (3)   The number of stacking spaces required by Table 1121-6 shall be required for each separate stacking lane. If two or more stacking lanes converge into one lane (e.g., two (2) separate lanes to order at a restaurant converge to one lane after the drive-through sign), the stacking spaces shall be measured in accordance with Table 1121-6 with the spaces located after the convergence point counting toward both stacking lanes.
      (4)   Vehicles shall not be permitted to wait within the public right-of-way for service at such drive-in or drive-thru facilities.
   (d)   The Planning Commission may reduce the number of required stacking spaces when the applicant provides credible documentation, such as studies from similar sites, that fewer than the required number of stacking spaces does not impede vehicular traffic flow on the site and ingress/egress to the site.
(Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)
   (a)   Public Sidewalks.
      (1)   New public sidewalks, constructed to meet Sharonville standards, shall be required along the street frontage of any lot being developed when the following conditions exist:
         A.   The development includes new construction on a vacant lot or complete redevelopment of an existing principal building (e.g., the principal building is torn down and replaced);
         B.   There is no public sidewalk along one or more of the public street rights-of-way adjacent to the lot; and
         C.   There is adequate existing right-of-way for the public sidewalk.
      (2)   New sidewalks shall also be required when proposed sidewalks or paths are identified in the Sharonville Comprehensive Plan for the lot or lots that are part of the applicable development or application.
   (b)   Internal Pedestrian Access.
      (1)   Where a sidewalk exists in a public right-of-way adjacent to the site, is required to be constructed as part of the development approval, or where a public transit stop is located along any of the applicable site's frontages, a paved pedestrian connection shall be constructed from the sidewalk to the entrance of the building.
      (2)   The pedestrian connection shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet.
      (3)   All pedestrian walkways located within a site (internal pedestrian circulation) shall be physically separated from the drive lanes and driveways. Additionally, all sidewalks and crosswalks shall be constructed of an impervious surface and shall be visually distinct from the driving surface by use of pavers, color, bricks, scored concrete, or other material approved by the Director of Community Development or Planning Commission, as applicable. See Figure 1121-E.
Figure 1121-E: This photograph illustrates how a sidewalk connecting the public sidewalk to the business can be integrated into the required landscaping.
(Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)