EDITOR'S NOTE: Resolution 155-94, passed September 29, 1994, authorized a Wastewater Collection System Coordinator position and crew to act as their own department, separate from the Sewer Plant, reporting to the Mayor and Finance Director.
242.01 Director's duties.
242.02 City Engineer's bond.
242.03 Copies of papers to be furnished; fee; disposition.
242.04 Physical examinations for Department employees.
City departments - see 3rd Class Charter Law § 415 (53 P. S. § 41415); 3rd Class §§ 1101 et seq. (53 P. S. §§ 36101 et seq.)
City Planning Commission - see ADM. Ch. 252
Recreation Commission - see ADM. Ch. 262
Snow and ice removal - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 668
Residential garbage and rubbish collection and disposal - see S. U. & P. S. Ch. 1060