961.01   Purpose.
961.02   Closing hours.
961.03   Park rules.
961.04   Permits required.
961.05   Rates for use of parks and recreation facilities.
961.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks - see Ohio R.C. 4511.07(E)
Park and Recreation Board - see ADM. Ch. 141
Disorderly conduct; intoxication - see GEN. OFF. 509.03
Open container prohibited - see GEN. OFF. 529.07
Sex offenders prohibited in - see GEN. OFF. 533.15
961.01 PURPOSE.
   The playgrounds and parks located in the Municipality shall exist for the benefit and pleasure of the public. (Ord. 747-57. Passed 5-2-57.)
   The playgrounds and parks shall be closed from 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. and no persons shall remain within the playgrounds or parks while closed, except parties under permit and the employees of the playgrounds and parks on duty.
(Ord. 747-57. Passed 5-2-57.)
961.03 PARK RULES.
   (a)   No person while within the playgrounds or parks shall:
      (1)   Violate any of the traffic or safety regulations.
      (2)   Commit any of the traffic or safety regulations.
      (3)   Be intoxicated.
      (4)   Throw stones.
      (5)   Utter loud or indecent language.
      (6)   Play any game of chance of any description.
      (7)   Beg.
      (8)   Publicly solicit subscriptions.
      (9)   Allow any dog to run at large.
      (10)   Ride or drive any animal or vehicles in a dangerous or reckless manner.
      (11)   Have in his possession and/or consume or offer for consumption any intoxicating liquor, liquor, beer, malt liquor or malt beverages as the same are defined in Section 529.01 (b) and (c) of the Codified Ordinances.
      (12)   Wash or polish any automobile.
      (13)   Write, paint or carve on any tree, bench or structure.
      (14)   Throw or cause to be thrown anything on any ice or skating pond within the playgrounds or parks.
      (15)   Throw or leave garbage in any other place than the receptacles provided therefor.
      (16)   In any manner injure any trees, plants, grass, flowers or structures.
   (b)   No parent, guardian or person in loco parentis of any juvenile shall suffer or permit such juvenile to violate any of the prohibitions of subsection (a) hereof.
(Ord. 1301-83. Passed 5-9-83.)