Short Title and Purpose
153.001 Short title
153.002 Purpose
153.003 Intent
153.004 Prior regulations and requirements
153.005 Effective date
153.010 General
153.011 Specific terms
Use Tables
153.015 Use tables
153.016 Area, height and distance requirements
General Regulations
153.020 Use regulations
153.021 Dwelling regulations
153.022 General development regulations
153.023 Buffering
153.024 Structural regulations
153.025 Blight
Nonconforming Uses and Buildings
153.030 Intent
153.031 Historic properties
153.032 Legality of nonconformities
153.033 Loss of legal nonconforming status
153.034 Expansion of nonconformity prohibited
153.035 Repair
153.036 Changing uses
153.037 Reconstruction and restoration
153.038 Plans already filed
153.039 District changes
153.040 Regulation of nonconformities
153.041 Nonconforming lots
153.042 Inventory of nonconformities
153.043 Elimination of nonconforming uses by acquisition
Parking and Access
153.050 Intent
153.051 Construction and design
153.052 Residential districts
153.053 Commercial districts
153.054 Industrial districts
153.055 Number of parking spaces required
153.060 Signs
153.061 Intent
153.062 Permit procedure
153.063 Exemptions
153.064 Measurement of a sign
153.065 Table of signs permitted
153.066 Prohibited signs
153.067 Illumination
153.068 Nonconforming signs
153.069 Construction and maintenance
153.070 Abandoned signs
Special Use Permits
153.080 Intent, purpose, and process
153.081 How a special use permit is reviewed
153.082 Agricultural bulk collection, storage, distribution
153.083 Automobile body and paint shops, service and repair, quick oil change
153.084 Cemeteries
153.085 Commercial recreation, indoor and outdoor
153.086 Cottage industries
153.087 Day nurseries
153.088 Drive-in, drive thru business
153.089 High-intensity uses, waste treatment, and disposal
153.090 Institutions: religious, educational, social, human care, retreats, state licensed residential care seven through 20 people
153.091 Kennels and veterinary clinics
153.092 Light manufacturing within the building
153.093 Manufactured housing park
153.094 Ministorage
153.095 Outdoor sales and service, body shops, towing, other permanent outdoor uses
153.096 Planned Unit Development (PUD)
153.097 Publicly owned buildings, public utility transformer stations, and substations
153.098 Recreational vehicle park, campground
153.099 Sexually oriented business and adult media stores
153.100 Short term rentals
153.101 Temporary indoor and outdoor uses
153.102 Wind power
153.103 Wireless communication facilities
Site Plan Review
153.110 Intent
153.111 Scope
153.112 Application procedure
153.113 Action on application and plans
153.114 Criteria for review
153.115 Utilities
153.116 Amendment to site plan
153.117 Performance bond
Zoning Board of Appeals
153.120 Establishment
153.121 Membership
153.122 Terms of office
153.123 Board of Appeals procedures
153.124 Appeals, method for taking
153.125 Decisions
153.126 Duties
153.127 Limitations
153.130 Savings clause
153.131 Validity and severability
153.132 Effective date
153.133 Administrative officials
153.134 Occupancy
153.135 Violations and enforcement
153.136 People involved in the zoning process
153.137 Administrative processes
153.138 Amendment