Regulations in this section apply to all districts.
   (A)   Application. Any person desiring to establish or change a parking area shall submit plans to the Village Office and Zoning Administrator showing the location, design, size, shape, landscaping, surfacing, marking, lighting, drainage, curb cuts, entrances, exits, and any other features of the parking lot. Any curb cuts, entrances, exits, drainage, and design shall have the written approval of the Zoning Administrator with the comments of the Chief of Police and Department of Public Works Superintendent, shall be presented for site plan approval by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Standards. The design and construction of parking areas shall conform to the following requirements:
      (1)   All spaces shall be laid out in the dimension of nine feet by 20 feet in size, or 180 square feet of space. This does not include access drives and aisles. Designated handicapped spaces must be 12 feet wide by 20 feet long.
      (2)   All spaces shall be provided adequate access by means of maneuvering lanes.
      (3)   Handicapped spaces. Off-street parking facilities required for buildings shall be provided in accordance with the following table and identified by signs as being reserved for disabled persons. Signs shall be located approximately six feet above grade. Where a curb exists between a parking lot surface and a sidewalk surface, an inclined approach or a curb cut with a gradient not more than one foot in 12 feet and a width of not less than four feet shall be provided for wheelchair access. Parking spaces for the physically disabled shall be located as close as possible to walkways and entrances. Signs shall be provided when necessary, indicating the direction of travel to an accessible entrance.
      (4)   Required number of accessible spaces. Source: https://www.ada.gov/restriping_parking/restriping2015.html
Table 11 - Required Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Total in Parking Lot
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
Table 11 - Required Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Total in Parking Lot
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
Up to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
500 to 1,000
2% of total
Over 1,000
20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
      (5)   There shall be a curb or curb stop provided wherever an off-street parking and loading area adjoins a public sidewalk right-of-way, or adjoining property line. The curb or curb stop shall be designed to prevent any portion of a vehicle from encroaching upon the sidewalk, right-of-way, or adjoining property.
      (6)   Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking and loading area shall be arranged to direct light away from adjoining premises. All light poles and mounts shall be at a height of 15 feet or less.
      (7)   Each off-street parking driveway opening to a public street must be approved by the agency having jurisdiction over the street following site plan review by the Planning Commission. If the public street is paved, the driveway must be paved for at least the length required for stacking area as defined below. Lanes for entering and exiting traffic shall be clearly marked on the pavement. Each driveway shall intersect a public street at a 90 degree angle.
      (8)   Each off-street parking driveway shall include an on-site stacking area, which does not function as an access aisle for parking spaces, equivalent to at least 5% of the spaces in the parking area.
      (9)   All off-street parking driveways shall have a clear vision area unobstructed by accessory structures or plantings, within 20 feet of any public street right-of-way, for a sight distance of 50 feet along the near edge of the pavement in either direction.
      (10)   Except for parallel parking, all parking spaces shall be clearly marked with striping which shall be maintained.
      (11)   Landscaping. Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy required front, side and rear yards after approval of the parking plan layout, provided that there shall be maintained a minimum landscaped setback of ten feet between the nearest point of the off-street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, and the nearest right-of-way line.
      (12)   Off-street parking areas shall be effectively screened on any side which abuts a residentially zoned district or institutional use with a continuous and completely obscuring wall or fence not less than four feet in height and maintained in good condition.
      (13)   Access drives to and from a multifamily, commercial or industrial parking area and all other drives to structures or entrances to structures on the site shall be paved. Access drives are not part of the required parking area. Design and construction of access drives must be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator and Department of Public Works Superintendent and in the instance M-25, the Michigan Department of Transportation.
      (14)   Any off-street parking area shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete, pavers, or similar durable and dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained to dispose of all surface water.
   (C)   Shared access. The Planning Commission must require shared access between and among uses where feasible, excluding single family dwelling uses. Feasibility is determined with respect to the physical design of the site and not the effort or costs involved with achieving joint access. This requirement applies to driveways and access drives associated with site redevelopment or new construction. In the case of new development, a joint driveway agreement must be signed by all property owners involved prior to a construction permit being issued. Driveways must be designed to allow joint access in the future, where feasible, and an agreement to allow future use of the drive for joint access must be signed at the time of site plan approval. Shared drives must be shown on site plans at the time of review by the Planning Commission. Refusal to design a site with provisions for joint access or refusal to participate in a joint access agreement is justification for site plan denial by the Planning Commission.
   (D)   Driveway closure. Nonconforming driveways, per this chapter, shall be made to be less nonconforming at the time a site is redeveloped. Lessening the degree of driveway nonconformance may include the Planning Commission requiring closing a driveway or combining driveways or access points at the time of site plan review.
   (E)   Occupancy. The occupancy of a building or any part of a building shall not change it from one use to a use in another classification unless the minimum parking requirements are provided for the new use. No building shall be enlarged if the enlargement requires additional parking space, unless the minimum requirements for off-street parking are provided.
   (F)   Count toward requirement. Parking spaces may count toward the requirement for a parcel if they are located on it or on an adjoining parcel where the farthest space is not over 500 feet from the nearest public entrance to the principal building, with a continuous paved walkway between the lot and entrance.
   (G)   Traffic study. The Planning Commission may request a traffic impact study of an applicant for site plan review if the project is located on M-25 or in any commercial or industrial zone.
(Ord. passed 11-16-2020)