In reviewing the application and site plan and approving, disapproving, or modifying the plan, the Planning Commission shall be governed by the following general standards, in addition to any other site plan standards contained in any other area of this chapter. The site plan review form has all detailed requirements.
   (A)   Vehicular and pedestrian circulation. There is a proper relationship between the existing streets and highways within the vicinity and proposed acceleration and/or deceleration lanes, service drives, entrance and exit driveways, and parking areas to ensure safety. Ensure a pedestrian and non-motorized circulation system is provided that promotes the connectivity of sidewalks throughout the village and which meets the standards set in the village sidewalk ordinance, when adopted.
   (B)   Natural features. As many natural features of the landscape shall be retained as possible where they furnish a barrier screen, or buffer between the project and adjoining properties used for dissimilar purposes and where they assist in preserving the general appearance of the neighborhood.
   (C)   Drainage. Adequate provision has been made for stormwater drainage on or from the site. In the case of residential developments, rear lot drainage is required. Sheet drainage is not permitted on any developments in any district. A drainage plan will be required. Green infrastructure shall be employed on any new development where possible.
   (D)   Adverse effects of development. Any adverse effects of the proposed development and activities emanating from which affect adjoining residents or owners shall be minimized by appropriate screening, fencing, landscaping, setback, and location of buildings, structures, and entryways.
   (E)   Historic nature. The preservation of historic structures involves two basic concerns: slowing the rate at which historic material is lost and maintaining historic character. Site plan requirements to preserve the historic nature of a structure shall be limited to actions that fulfill these two concerns.
   (F)   Layout. The layout of buildings and improvements will minimize any harmful or adverse effect which the development might otherwise have upon the surrounding neighborhood.
   (G)   Land division ordinance. The site plan must comply with all provisions of the zoning ordinance. However, this would not preclude the applicant from applying for an appropriate variance with the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Planning Commission may conditionally approve a site plan subject to the granting of any appropriate variance, only with the understanding that without the variance the site plan is disapproved.
   (H)   Shared access. The Planning Commission must require shared access between and among uses where feasible, excluding single-family dwelling uses. Feasibility is determined with respect to the physical design of the site and not the effort or costs involved with achieving joint access. This requirement applies to driveways and access drives associated with site redevelopment or new construction. A new application for site plan approval shall be required and new approval obtained before any construction or earth change is commenced upon the site.
   (I)   Off-street waiting space. Where off-street waiting space is required, the following regulations shall apply:
      (1)   An off-street waiting space is defined as an area with a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum length of 20 feet and shall not include the use of any public space, street, alley or sidewalk and shall be located entirely within any commercial district. Uses occupied or built for the purpose of serving customers in their vehicles by a service window or similar arrangements, off-street waiting spaces shall be provided as follows:
         (a)   Drive-through lanes shall not utilize any space which is necessary for adequate access to parking spaces from internal maneuvering lanes.
         (b)   Drive-through lanes shall have a minimum centerline radius of 25 feet.
         (c)   Drive-through lanes shall be striped, marked, or otherwise distinctively delineated.
         (d)   No space shall be located closer than 50 feet to any lot in any residential district, unless wholly within a completely enclosed building or enclosed on all sides facing residential zones, by a wall or uniformly painted solid board or masonry fence of uniform appearance which is not less than six feet in height.
(Ord. passed 11-16-2020)