General Provisions
151.01 Purpose
151.02 Definitions
151.03 Interpretation
151.04 Responsibility
151.05 Wetlands
151.06 Base flood elevation
151.07 Other development requirements
151.08 Disclaimer of liability
151.09 Penalty
151.10 Abrogation and greater restrictions
151.11 Severability
Stormwater Detention
151.20 Detention required
151.21 Exceptions
151.22 Drainage plan required
151.23 Runoff volume and rates
151.24 Release rates
151.25 Water quality and multiple uses
151.26 Hydrologic design procedures
151.27 Hydraulic design procedures
151.28 Wet basins
151.29 Dry basins
151.30 Safety
151.31 Infiltration practices
151.32 Detention in floodplains
151.33 Detention in wetlands
151.34 General detention considerations for water quality enhancement
151.35 Protection of depressional storage
151.36 Identification of wetlands
151.37 Protection of wetlands
151.38 Flows from tributary areas
151.39 Bypass flow
151.40 Early completion of detention facilities
151.41 Fee in lieu of detention
Special Flood Hazard Area
151.50 Duties of the enforcement official(s)
151.51 Variances
151.52 Occupation and use of flood fringe areas
151.53 Occupation and use of designated floodways
151.54 Occupation and use of SFHA areas where floodways are not identified
151.55 Permitting requirements applicable to all floodplain areas