It shall be unlawful, within any public parking lot or access thereto, for any person to:
A. Stop, stand or park any vehicle or to cause or permit any vehicle to stop, stand or park other than within a regularly designated marked parking space.
B. Allow any vehicle to be parked between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) A.M. of any day.
C. Stop, stand or park any vehicle, either wholly or partially, in any driveway or in any manner which shall obstruct or interfere with the free movement of vehicles in such driveway or off street parking lot.
D. Stop, stand, park or be driven or hauled across such public parking lot any vehicle in excess of six thousand (6,000) pounds of maximum gross weight or towing a trailer.
E. Stop, stand or park or cause or permit to be parked any boat, motorhome, trailer or component thereof. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
A. For purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless it is apparent from their context that a different meaning is intended:
FOOD OR FOOD PRODUCTS: Any type of edible substance or beverage.
MOBILE VENDING VEHICLE: Any self-propelled motorized device or vehicle by which any person or property may be propelled or moved upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power, or which may be drawn or towed by a self-propelled motorized vehicle, from which food or food products are sold, offered for sale, displayed, bartered, exchanged or otherwise given.
MOBILE VENDOR: A person that operates or assists in the operation of a mobile vending vehicle.
VEND: To sell, offer for sale, display, barter, exchange, or otherwise give food or food products from a mobile vending vehicle.
B. A mobile vendor may park a mobile vending vehicle or vend on a street subject to the following restrictions:
1. All mobile vending vehicles shall be operated and parked in full compliance with all applicable California Vehicle Code provisions and parking requirements, including, without limitation, the parking, licensing and selling restrictions imposed by this code. No mobile vending vehicle shall double park in order to vend food or food products. Business activities shall be conducted only from the side of the mobile vending vehicle that is nearest to the street curb.
2. Mobile vending vehicles shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
3. Mobile vendors shall not distribute any item from a mobile vending vehicle in a manner that causes any person to stand in the portion of the street that is between the vehicle and the center of the street.
4. Mobile vendors shall not encroach onto a public sidewalk with any part of the vehicle or any other equipment or furniture related to the operation of its business, except for the temporary litter receptacle required by this section.
5. Music, noise or bells used in any mobile vending vehicle shall not exceed ten (10) decibels above the ambient base noise levels described in section 14.04.04 of this code. The measurement shall be taken from the property line of any property located on the street on which the mobile vending vehicle is located. All such music, noise or bells shall be turned off when the vehicle stops to sell food or food products or is passing in front of a public or private school or youth facility.
6. Mobile vendors shall not vend any food or food products upon any public street within three hundred feet (300') of the nearest property line of any property on which a school building is located between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on any school day, unless authorized to do so in writing by the school principal.
7. Mobile vending vehicles shall not vend any food or food product within twenty five feet (25') of any street intersection.
8. Mobile vending vehicles shall be clearly marked with the vendor's insignia, name, address, and telephone number on both sides of the vehicle. The name shall be depicted in letters at least three inches (3") high and shall be of a color contrasting with the mobile vendor vehicle exterior.
9. No mobile vendor may operate in the city until it has obtained a valid city of San Marino business license. No mobile vendor may operate in the city until it has obtained both commercial general liability and comprehensive automobile liability insurance in an amount to be determined by the city's risk manager. A mobile vendor shall not receive a business license from the city until it has demonstrated to the city that it has obtained the required insurance policies. Each mobile vendor shall carry a copy of the business license on each mobile vending vehicle from which sales are conducted. Vehicle stickers shall be placed conspicuously on each such vending vehicle.
10. No mobile vendor shall engage in vending unless he or she maintains a clearly designated litter receptacle in the immediate vicinity of the vending vehicle, marked with a sign requesting use by patrons. Prior to leaving the location, the mobile vendor shall pick up, remove and lawfully dispose of all trash generated by the mobile food vendor's operation that is located within a fifty foot (50') radius of the mobile vendor's location.
11. All food products sold or provided from the mobile vending vehicle shall comply with applicable food labeling requirements established by the state of California.
12. No mobile vendor may operate in the city until it has obtained all required permits, including, without limitation, health permits, certificates or placards required and issued by the county of Los Angeles health department, to sell or provide such items.
13. Mobile vendors shall comply with all applicable state and local laws. (Ord. 0-13-1274, 7-26-2013)