15.02.01: Persons Authorized to Direct Traffic
15.02.02: Obedience to Police Officer and Firefighter
15.02.03: Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations
15.02.04: Exemptions
15.02.05: Reports of Damage to City Property
15.02.06: Driving Through Funeral Processions
15.02.07: Vehicles Emerging from Alleys, Driveways or Buildings
15.02.08: Clinging to Moving Vehicles
15.02.09: Driving on Sidewalks and Parkways
15.02.10: Driving on New Pavement or Freshly Painted Marking
15.02.11: Advertising Vehicles and Vehicles with Sound Amplification
15.02.12: Animal-Drawn Vehicles
15.02.13: Tow Away Zones; General
15.02.14: Tow Away Zones; Designation
15.02.15: Display of Warning Devices for Disabled Commercial Vehicles
15.02.16: Aircraft
15.02.17: Violations
No person other than a police officer or a person deputized by the Police Chief or a person authorized by law shall direct or attempt to direct traffic by voice, hand or other signal, except in an emergency situation wherein direction of traffic is required to protect life and safety of an individual, and no authorized person is present. (Ord. 977, 6-13-90)