15.10.01: Crosswalks
15.10.02: Crossing Roadways at Right Angles
15.10.03: Standing in Roadways
15.10.01: CROSSWALKS:
Upon recommendation of the Police Chief and with approval of the City Engineer, the Public Works Department may mark crosswalks at intersections and other places by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway.
Crosswalks shall be established and maintained at all intersections within a business district and at other places within or outside business districts where there is a particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway.
Other than crosswalks at intersections, no crosswalk shall be established in any block which is less than four hundred feet (400') in length. Elsewhere, not more than one additional crosswalk shall be established in any one block and such crosswalk shall be established as nearly as practicable at midblock. (Ord. 977, 6-13-90)