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Chapter 4B
(NOTE: The time limits for compliance with the provisions of Chapters 4A and 4B have passed, but the ordinance and the time limits therein are still in effect.)
The purpose of this chapter is that stated in Section 401A.
402B.1 General. The seismic strengthening of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings shall comply with the provisions of this chapter when strengthening either is mandated by Chapter 4A or is done voluntarily under Section 405A.6. The elements regulated by this chapter shall be determined in accordance with Table 4B-A. Except as provided herein, other structural provisions of this code shall apply.
402B.2 Essential and Hazardous Facilities. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to apply to the strengthening of buildings or structures in Risk Categories III and IV of ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1. Such buildings or structures shall be strengthened to meet the requirements of this code for new buildings of the same occupancy category or to such other criteria as has been established by the Building Official.
402B.3 Unreinforced Masonry Private School Buildings. The strengthening of unreinforced masonry private school buildings shall comply with Sections 17320-17336 of the California Education Code.
402B.4 Qualified Historical Buildings. Qualified historical buildings shall be strengthened to comply with this chapter or the alternative provisions contained in Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 8, the State Historical Building Code.
402B.5 Party Wall Buildings. In buildings separated by party walls, all segments sharing the party walls shall be strengthened at the same time whenever feasible. When such action is not feasible, a party wall in any segment undergoing strengthening shall be provided with the capacity to resist a reasonable estimate of the shear forces generated by the adjacent unstrengthened segments.
402B.6 Buildings of Mixed Construction. When buildings having at least one bearing wall of unreinforced masonry also utilize other structural systems, the following requirements shall apply:
402B.6.1 Masonry-wood or steel mix. When the lower stories of the building are of unreinforced masonry bearing wall construction and the upper stories are of wood frame or steel stud construction, the unreinforced masonry stories shall be strengthened to meet the requirements of the general procedure of this chapter and the other stories need not be strengthened.
402B.6.2 Masonry-concrete mix. When a building is of mixed unreinforced masonry bearing wall construction and reinforced concrete or masonry construction, the entire building shall be strengthened in accordance with a program developed by the owner’s architect or engineer and approved by the Building Official.