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San Francisco Building Inspection Commission (BIC) Codes
BUILDING CODE 2016 Edition
HOUSING CODE 2016 Edition
PLUMBING CODE 2016 Edition
Table of Amendments

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Chapter 3
301.1.4.2  Replace item 2 as follow:
301.1.4.2  Compliance with reduced International Building Code-level seismic forces.
   2.   Except where these requirements are triggered by Section 403.12, structures or portions of structures that comply with the requirements of the applicable chapter in Appendix A as specified in Items 2.1 through 2.5 and subject to the limitations of the respective Appendix A chapters shall be deemed to comply with this section.
301.2  Add the following section:
301.2  Minimum Lateral Force for Existing Buildings.
301.2.1  General.  This section is applicable to existing buildings when invoked by SFEBC Section 403. This section may be used as a standard for voluntary upgrades.
   An existing building or structure which has been brought into compliance with the lateral force resistance requirements of the San Francisco Building Code in effect on or after the dates shown in Table 301.2.1, shall be deemed to comply with this section except when a vertical extension or other alterations are to be made which would increase the mass or reduce the seismic resistance capacity of the building or structure. Where multiple building types apply, the later applicable date shall be used. Where none of the building types apply, compliance shall be at the discretion of the Director. Building type definitions are given in ASCE 41-13, Table 3-1.
Building Type
Date of Compliance
Model Code (for reference)
Wood Frame, wood shear panels (Types W1 & W2)
UBC 1976
Wood Frame, wood shear panels (Type W1A)
UBC 1997
   Floor areas greater than 3,000 ft2 per level
Steel moment-resisting frame (Types S1 & S1a)
UBC 1994
Steel concentrically braced frame (Types S2 & S2a)
UBC 1997
Steel eccentrically braced frame (Types S2 & S2a)
UBC 1988
Buckling-restrained braced frame (Types S2 &S2a)
IBC 2006
Light metal frame (Type S3)
IBC 2006
Steel frame w/ concrete shear walls (Type S4)
UBC 1994
Steel plate shear wall (Type S6)
IBC 2006
Reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame (Type C1)
UBC 1994
Reinforced concrete shear walls (Types C2 & C2a)
UBC 1994
Tilt-up concrete (Types PC1 & PC1a)
UBC 1997
Precast concrete frame (Types PC2 & PC2a)
IBC 2006
Reinforced masonry (Type RM1)
UBC 1997
   Flexible diaphragms
Reinforced masonry (Type RM2)
UBC 1994
   Stiff diaphragms
Seismic isolation or passive dissipation
UBC 1991
301.2.2  Wind forces.  Buildings and structures shall be capable of resisting wind forces as prescribed in San Francisco Building Code Section 1609.
301.2.3  Seismic forces.  Buildings and structures shall comply with the reduced International Building Code-level seismic forces, as defined in Section 301.1.4.2. The building separation limitations of Section ASCE 7-10 Section 12.12.3 need not be considered.
   When upper floors are exempted from compliance by Section 403.12.2, the lateral forces generated by their masses shall be included in the analysis and design of the lateral force resisting systems for the strengthened floor. Such forces may be applied to the floor level immediately above the topmost strengthened floor and distributed in that floor in a manner consistent with the construction and layout of the exempted floor.
314.27  Replace this section with the following sections:
314.27  Automatic Sprinkler System – Existing High-rise Buildings
314.27.1  General.  Regardless of any other provisions of this code, every existing high-rise building as defined in San Francisco Building Code Section 403.1.1 shall be provided with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system conforming to NFPA 13.
   Existing high-rise buildings that are also qualified historical buildings as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 18950 shall be provided with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system when and as required by the State Historical Building Code.
      1.   An apartment house, condominium or other building used as a Group R, Division 2 Occupancy as defined in this code excluding tourist hotels as defined in Section of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
      2.   A mixed-use occupancy building containing a Group R, Division 1 or Group R, Division 2 Occupancy.
(Amended by Ord. 65-19, File No. 190136, App. 4/12/2019, Eff. 5/13/2019)
314.27.2  Additional.  The following additional requirements shall also apply:
314.27.2.1  Valves and devices.  A sprinkler control valve and a waterflow detecting device shall be provided at the lateral connection to the riser for each floor.
314.27.2.2  Signals.  A separate and distinct supervisory signal shall be provided to indicate a condition that will impair the satisfactory operation of the sprinkler system. This shall include, but not be limited to, monitoring control valves, fire pump power supplies and pump running conditions. Such supervisory signals shall be annunciated at a constantly attended building security control center; when that location is not under constant supervision by qualified personnel, the signals shall be transmitted to a remote monitoring station in accordance with NFPA 72.
314.27.2.3  Water supply.  The minimum water supply requirement for the sprinkler shall be determined without regard to inside hose stream demand.
314.27.2.4  Standpipe conversion.  Existing standpipes may be converted to sprinkler risers, provided that they are hydrostatically tested for two hours at not less than 50 psi (345 Pa) in excess of the maximum pressure to be maintained in the system.
314.27.2.5  Supports.  Additional hangers, braces or other attachments for support of existing standpipes which have been converted in accordance with Section 314.27.2.4 shall be provided if they are necessary to meet the requirements of NFPA 13. The installation of additional flexible fittings in such risers is not required.
314.27.2.6  Pipe material.  Any type pipe which has been listed by an approved testing agency for use in automatic sprinkler installations may be used when installed in accordance with its listing limitations.
314.27.3  Permissible omissions.  The following features required in new high-rise buildings are not required in systems installed under the provisions of this section:
   1.   Redundant fire pump;
   2.   Secondary on-site supply of water;
   3.   More than one fire department connection;
   4.   Connection of the system to two risers on each floor. Hydraulic calculations may consider all risers in service;
   5.   In a Group R, Division 1 or R-2 Occupancy building, sprinklers in bathrooms and closets.
   See San Francisco Building Code Section 903. for additional permissible sprinkler omissions.
314.27.4  Effective date.  The effective date of these requirements shall be January 01, 2008.
314.27.5  Notification.  Not later than 60 days following the effective date of this ordinance, the Building Official shall notify in writing by certified mail the owner of each building within the scope of this section. The notice shall contain a copy of this section, a commentary on it and a notice of intent form. The notice of intent shall be designed to elicit information regarding proposed water supply connections, pumps, risers and existing partial sprinkler systems. The notice of intent shall include a tentative schedule for phasing the installation of the complete sprinkler system.
314.27.5.1  Deferred notice.  If a building within the scope of this section is not discovered by the Building Official until after the deadline for notification, the building owner shall be notified within 30 days of such discovery.
   Failure to receive notification does not exempt a building owner from compliance with this section.
314.27.6  Authority of Building Official.  The Building Official, in consultation with the San Francisco Fire Marshal, may approve modifications and alternate methods and materials when it is clearly evident that a reasonable degree of fire safety is provided. In such cases, the Building Official may:
   1.   Consider alternative protection based on nationally recognized standards, principles and tests, and generally recognized and well-established methods of fire protection;
   2.   Waive specific individual requirements if it can be shown that such requirements are not physically possible, require disproportionate effort or pose an undue hardship with little increase in life safety and that a practical alternate cannot be provided; and
   3.   Grant necessary extensions of time when it can be shown that the specific time periods are not physically practical or pose an undue hardship. The granting of an extension of time for compliance may be approved by the Building Official based on the showing of good cause and on approval of an acceptable, systematic, progressive plan of correction.
314.27.7  Appeal of high-rise sprinkler requirements.  Application may be made to the Board of Examiners in accordance with San Francisco Building Code Section 105A.1 for approval of alternate methods, materials or types of construction or for variances from the provisions of this section.
314.27.8  Implementation.  The requirements stated in Section 314.27.2 shall be accomplished by the following steps. Failure to complete any step within the required time frame is a violation of this code, and the Building Official shall have the power to abate the building in accordance with San Francisco Building Code Section 102A.
314.27.8.1  Step 1. Notice of intent.  The owner shall submit a properly completed Department-provided notice of intent to the Building Official not later than three years after the effective date of this requirement.
   EXCEPTION: No notice of intent is required if an approved sprinkler system is completed prior to the deadline above.
314.27.8.2  Step 2. Water supply.  The owner shall install the system riser, including floor-control valves, and shall connect it to the approved automatic water supply not later than five years after the effective date of this ordinance. For purposes of this section, an automatic water supply shall consist of a connection to the public water works system and, if required by hydraulic analysis, installation of a fire pump.
314.27.8.3  Step 3. Piping and sprinklers.  The owner shall complete the sprinkler system, including required electrical monitoring, not later than 12 years after the effective date of this ordinance.
314.27.8.4  Installation.  The installation of all fire alarm equipment shall be in accordance with the San Francisco Electrical Code and the California Fire Code.