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Every parapet or appendage which is supported on or attached to an exterior wall of a building adjacent to a property line, passageway, open courtyard or public way or which occurs in any other location where failure of such parapet or appendage would be hazardous to life or limb in such areas shall, when required by the Building Official, be subject to inspection by a licensed architect or civil engineer employed by the owner. The provisions of this section are retroactive and shall apply to and include buildings erected prior to the adoption of this code.
Whenever the Building Official determines, by visual inspection or from the report furnished by the architect or civil engineer, that an existing parapet or appendage which is within the scope of this section is not adequate to resist the lateral forces due to earthquake as detailed in Chapter 16 of the San Francisco Building Code which was in effect on July 1, 1969, the Building Official shall conclude that inadequacies exist and shall, by written notice to the owner or person or the agent in charge of the building, direct that necessary steps be taken to eliminate the hazard.
Upon receipt of such notice, the owner or person or agent in control of the building where such hazardous parapet or appendage exists shall:
1. Within one year from the date of receipt of such notice:
(1) Submit to the Building Official an acceptable written plan or procedure for the elimination of the hazardous condition by removal or alteration of the hazardous parapet or appendage.
(2) Obtain the necessary alteration permit in accordance with the procedures set forth in San Francisco Building Code Section 106A.
2. Within one year after obtaining the alteration permit, complete all work indicated on the approved construction documents. A one-year extension may be granted by the Building Official when mitigating circumstances exist.