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   (a)   Election to Provide Designated Child Care Units in Lieu of Residential Child Care Impact Fee. Consistent with the timing to elect the option to provide On- or Off-site Units under Section 415.5(g), the sponsor of a development project subject to the requirements of Sections 414A.1et seq., may elect to fulfill all or a portion of the Residential Child Care Impact Fee requirement by creating one or more Designated Child Care Units in the project, as follows:
      (1)   The number of Designated Child Care Units in a project subject to this Section 414A shall be as follows:
Residential Project Size
Maximum allowable Designated Child Care Units
25-100 Dwelling Units
1 Unit
101-200 Dwelling Units
2 Units
201 or more Dwelling Units
3 Units
      (2)   A Designated Child Care Unit shall have two or more bedrooms and shall be 1,000 square feet or more;
      (3)   A Designated Child Care Unit shall be offered only for rent and only to a tenant who agrees to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the Unit;
      (4)   A Designated Child Care Unit shall be reserved for a period of at least ten years from the date the Designated Unit is first leased to a tenant for use as a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home; and
      (5)   A Designated Child Care Unit may not be an On-site or Off-site Unit, as defined in Planning Code Sections 415 et seq. establishing the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program.
   (b)   Calculation of Value of Designated Child Care Unit in Lieu of Residential Child Care Impact Fee. For purposes of determining the value of a Designated Child Care Unit to calculate a waiver of the Child Care Fee, the City shall use the following formula:
      Total number of gross square feet of the unit or units designated as Child Care Units * Residential Child Care Impact Fee * 20.
      This value shall be deducted from the amount of the Residential Child Care Impact Fee owed.
   (c)   Development of Procedures. Within nine months of the Effective Date of the ordinance in Board File No. 180917 amending this subsection (c), the Office of Early Care and Education, in consultation with the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, will provide program regulations for Designated Child Care Units. The program regulations shall include the eligibility and occupancy requirements, the application process and assignment of the units, and the roles and responsibilities of the agencies in enforcing the program regulations.
      (1)   The Office of Early Care and Education shall:
         (A)   develop a set of written procedures, standards, and eligibility requirements for selecting State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home operators for these Designated Child Care Units;
         (B)   provide outreach and information to the early care and education community about the availability of Designated Child Care Units; and
         (C)   monitor Designated Child Care Units for program compliance listed in subsection (d) as Responsibilities of Operators of Small Family Child Care Homes and refer any instances of noncompliance as a child care provider to the Planning Department for enforcement.
      (2)   MOHCD shall:
         (A)   publish program regulations on its website and update from time to time; and
         (B)   screen applicants for income and household eligibility and perform annual income certification consistent with the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Monitoring and Procedures Guidelines as updated from time to time.
   (d)   Responsibilities of Operators of Small Family Child Care Homes in Designated Child Care Units. A tenant of any Designated Child Care Unit shall agree to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the unit for a minimum of ten years as follows:
      (1)   If, in the determination of the Office of Early Care and Education, the tenant does not begin to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the unit within nine months of occupying the unit, or if the tenant ceases to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home at any point in time within ten years from the date the Designated Child Care Unit is first leased to a tenant to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home, all tenants in the Unit shall be required to vacate the unit within 180 days, provided that if a Small Family Child Care Home has operated in the unit for ten years or more, a tenant who operated a Small Family Child Care Home in the unit will not be required to vacate the unit after such 10-year period;
      (2)   At least one-third of the children served by the Small Family Child Care Home shall be from Households of Low- or Moderate-income, as defined in Section 401; and
      (3)   The Small Family Child Care Home established in any Designated Child Care Unit shall serve at least four children of whom the operator of the Small Family Child Care Home is not a parent or guardian, based on an average over the previous 12 months.
   (e)   Option to Provide Designated Child Care Units in the Ground Floor on Commercial Street Frontages. On street frontages where ground floor commercial uses are required pursuant to Section 145.4 of this Code, a Designated Child Care Unit may be considered an Active Commercial Use if the unit meets all of the following requirements:
      (1)   The Dwelling Unit is a Rental Unit, as defined in Planning Code Section 401;
      (2)   The Designated Child Care Unit shall have two or more bedrooms and shall be 1,000 square feet or more;
      (3)   If a Designated Child Care Unit is being added to an existing building in the ground floor commercial space, and it is not physically possible to provide two code-complying bedrooms, such Designated Child Care Unit shall have one bedroom and shall be 1,000 square feet or more;
      (4)   No more than one Designated Child Care Unit shall be permitted in each building;
      (5)   The Dwelling Unit is eligible to be designated a below market rate unit affordable to moderate-income households, which shall have an affordable rent set at 80% of Area Median Income or less, with households earning from 65% to 90% of Area Median Income eligible to apply for such dwelling unit, but the Dwelling Unit may not be an On-site or Off-site Affordable Housing Unit, as required by Planning Code Sections 415et seq. establishing the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program;
      (6)   A State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home is provided in such Dwelling Unit and complies with the applicable requirements set forth in Planning Code Section 414A.6(d) for a Designated Child Care Unit;
      (7)   If a Designated Child Care Unit no longer provides a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the unit, the owner of the project in which the unit is located shall provide notice to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) and the Office of Early Care and Education within 30 days. All tenants in the Unit shall be required to vacate the unit within 180 days. The owner of the project in which the Designated Child Care Unit is located shall allow MOHCD, as assisted by the Office of Early Care and Education, to attempt to fill that unit with a Tenant eligible under the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program who is also an eligible operator of a Small Family Child Care Home. If, in the determination of the Office of Early Care and Education, the tenant fraudulently did not intend to operate a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the unit within nine months of occupying the unit, all tenants in such unit shall be required to vacate the unit within 60 days. MOHCD shall use its best efforts to fill such vacated unit with a Tenant registered with the Office of Early Care and Education and licensed to provide Small Family Child Care Home who also meets the Income restrictions for a Designated Unit; and
      (8)   The Designated Child Care Unit shall provide a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the Designated Child Care Unit for a minimum of 15 years. In the event one or more tenants has provided such child care in the Designated Child Care Unit for 15 years, the existing tenant who has provided a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the Designated Child Care Unit shall not thereafter be obligated to vacate the unit if such tenant ceases to provide a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home in the Designated Child Care Unit, and shall be permitted to remain in the Unit until such tenant elects to vacate or fails to comply with the laws applicable to occupancy of the Unit. Upon such vacation, the Unit shall not be designated a below market rate unit, and the owner may rent the Unit at market rate.
(Added by Ord. 2-16 , File No. 150793, App. 1/19/2016, Eff. 2/18/2016, Oper. 7/19/2016; amended by Ord. 7-19, File No. 180917, App. 1/25/2019, Eff. 2/25/2019)
Divisions (a), (a)(3)-(5), and (b) amended; table amended and designated as Table 414A.6A; division (c) amended and redesignated as divisions (c), (c)(1)(C), and (d); new divisions (c)(1)- (c)(1)(B) and (c)(2)(A)-(B) added; former divisions (c)(1)-(3) amended and redesignated as (d)(1)- (d)(3); divisions (e)-(e)(8) added; Ord. 7-19, Eff. 2/25/2019.