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   (a)   Purpose. Residential developments in the City are benefitted by the availability of childcare for persons residing in such developments. However, the supply of childcare in the City has not kept pace with the demand for childcare created by new residents. Due to this shortage of childcare, residents unable to find accessible and affordable quality childcare will be forced either to live where such services are available outside of San Francisco or leave the work force, in some cases seeking public assistance to support their children. In either case, there will be a detrimental effect on San Francisco's economy and its quality of life.
      The San Francisco General Plan requires that the City "balance housing growth with adequate infrastructure that serves the city's growing population." In light of this provision, the City should impose requirements on developers of certain residential projects designed to mitigate the adverse effects of the increase in population facilitated by such projects.
   (b)   Findings. In adopting Ordinance No. 50-15, the Board of Supervisors reviewed the San Francisco Citywide Nexus Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014 ("Nexus Analysis"), and the San Francisco Infrastructure Level of Service Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014, both on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 150149. The Board of Supervisors reaffirms the findings and conclusions of those studies as they relate to the impact of residential development on childcare and hereby readopts the findings contained in Ordinance 50-15, including the General Findings in Section 401A(a) of the Planning Code and the Specific Findings in Section 401A(b) of the Planning Code relating to childcare.
(Added by Ord. 2-16 , File No. 150793, App. 1/19/2016, Eff. 2/18/2016)