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   (a)   General. A special use district entitled the "1500 Page Street Affordable Housing Special Use District,"consisting of Assessor's Block 1223, Lot 004, is hereby established for the purposes set forth below. The boundaries of the 1500 Page Street Affordable Housing Special Use District are designated on Sectional Map No. SU06 of the Zoning Map.
   (b)   Purpose. The purpose of the special use district is to facilitate the rehabilitation of a vacant residential care facility to be used for up to 16 residential dwelling units for persons who qualify as "lower income households" or "very low income households," as defined by this Section 249.47, and one manager's unit.
   (c)   Definitions. For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
      (1)   "Lower income households" shall be as defined in Section 50079.5 of the California Health and Safety Code.
      (2)   "Very low income households" shall be as defined in Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code.
   (d)   Use Controls. In this special use district, all applicable provisions of the Planning Code shall continue to apply, except as otherwise provided in this Section 249.47. A conditional use approval shall be required for any development subject to this Section 249.47 and such conditional use may modify or grant the following exceptions from or modifications to the requirements of this Code if the facts presented establish that the exception or modification satisfies the criteria of subsections 303(c)(1) through 303(c)(3) of this Code. In determining whether to allow exceptions under this Section 249.47, the Planning Commission shall, in addition to the criteria set forth in Section 303(c) of this Code, consider the extent to which the project seeking the exception would be available to persons who qualify as "lower income households" or "very low income households."
      The following exceptions to or modifications from the requirements of this Code are appropriate in order to further the goal of preserving and enhancing a residential use for persons who qualify as "lower income households" or "very low income households."
      (1)   Dwelling Unit Density. Dwellings for lower income households and very low income households plus one manager's unit at a density ratio of up to one dwelling unit for each approximately 295 square feet of lot area are permitted.
      (2)   Usable Open Space. There shall be a minimum of approximately 69 square feet of usable common space for each dwelling unit with a minimum horizontal dimension of 11 feet.
      (3)   Dimensions of Usable Open Space. One dimension in each of the proposed open spaces may be a minimum horizontal of 11 feet.
      (4)   Obstructions in Required Rear Yard. One fence/gate system no more than 11 feet in height may be permitted as an obstruction in the required rear yard.
      (5)   Obstructions in Required Front Setback. One fence/gate system no more than 11 feet in height may be permitted as an obstruction in the required front setback.
      (6)   Unit Exposure. The dwelling unit exposure requirement shall not apply to up to five units that face the north property line.
      (7)   Removal of Existing Off-Street Parking. The removal of two existing off-street parking spaces shall be permitted.
   (e)   Sunset Provision. This Section 249.47 shall expire five years after its initial effective date unless the development authorized by this Section has received a building permit or, in the case of a site permit, an addendum that authorizes construction of the development, or the Board of Supervisors extends or re-enacts this Section 249.47 before its expiration date. Upon expiration of this Section 249.47, the City Attorney shall cause it to be removed from the Planning Code.
(Added by Ord. 15-14, File No. 131086, App. 2/14/2014, Eff. 3/16/2014)