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(a) Processing facilities necessary or related to oil and gas exploration and development shall be permitted only within an M-2(OGP) Overlay District, and only as a conditional use, in accordance with the established procedures for conditional use, as set forth in Article 3 of this Code. Support facilities, as described above in Section 1205, shall also be permitted as a conditional use within an M-2(OGP) overlay district.
(b) No application for conditional use pursuant to this section shall be accepted by the Department of City Planning until an M-2(OGP) overlay district has first been mapped pursuant to Section 1204, above.
(c) Every application for conditional use pursuant to this section shall be accompanied by a proposed Final Development Plan, as described in Section 1207.2, below. In making the conditional use findings as required by Section 303 of this Code, the City Planning Commission shall also be required to approve the final development plan submitted by the applicant, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 1207.3, below.
(d) In addition to the requirements prescribed in Subsections 1206.1(a) through 1206.1(c), above, no application for a processing facility shall be approved unless the City Planning Commission finds either that the following development standards are satisfied, or that the applicant agrees to satisfy the following standards as a condition of project approval:
(1) The applicant has received "Authority to Construct" from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, if applicable;
(2) The project will comply with all aspects of the City's Noise Ordinance, of the Police Code. Such controls shall apply, but not be limited to construction equipment, operational noise, and all transportation vehicles accessing the site, including marine vessels and helicopters;
(3) No materials or equipment shall be delivered to or removed from the site via streets within a residential district between the hours of seven p.m. and seven a.m. of the following day;
(4) The project shall be made visually compatible with its surrounding land uses by any or all of the following measures: buffer strips, berms, landscaping, camouflage and/or painting;
(5) All lights shall be shielded so as not to directly shine on adjacent properties; and
(6) With regard to any pipelines required for the project:
(A) No construction activity or deliveries within or through a residentially zoned district shall occur between the hours of seven p.m. and seven a.m. of the following day;
(B) All equipment and activities shall be restricted to the pipeline right-of-way;
(C) The pipeline corridor shall be sited so as to avoid residential, recreational, and archaeological resource areas, to the maximum extent possible;
(D) Automatic shutoff valves shall be utilized so as to minimize the amount of a spill in the event of an accident; and
(E) Appropriate measures for spill containment and cleanup specific to pipelines shall be included in the Final Development Plan.
(Added by Ord. 306-90, App. 8/23/90)