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   Bicycle parking spaces are required in at least the minimum quantities specified in Table 155.2. Bicycle parking shall meet the standards in Section 155.1.
   (a)   Applicability. The requirements of this Section apply in all the following cases regardless of whether off-street automobile parking is available except if indicated:
      (1)   New Building; or
      (2)   addition of a Dwelling Unit to an existing building where off-street vehicle parking exists; or
      (3)   addition to a building or lot that increases the building's Gross Floor Area by more than 20 percent; or
      (4)   change of occupancy or increase in intensity of use which would increase the number of total required bicycle parking spaces (inclusive of Class 1 and 2 spaces in aggregate) by 15 percent; or
      (5)   where DBI determines that an addition or alteration meets the bicycle parking thresholds set in Section 5.106.4 of the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen) (California Title 24, Part 11), as amended from time to time; or
      (6)   addition or creation of new Gross Floor Area or an increase in the capacity of off-street vehicle parking spaces for an existing building or lot, regardless of whether such vehicle parking is considered accessory or a principally or conditionally permitted use.
   (b)   Rules for Calculating Bicycle Parking Requirements.
      (1)   Under no circumstances may total bicycle parking provided for any use, building, or lot constitute less than five percent of the automobile parking spaces for the subject building, as required by Section 5.106.4 of the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen) (California Title 24, Part 11), as amended from time to time.
      (2)   Calculations of bicycle parking requirements shall follow the rules of Section 153(a) of this Code.
      (3)   Where bicycle parking is required per subsection (a)(2) above, bicycle parking shall be provided for all Dwelling Units at the same ratio as existing off-street vehicle parking is provided relative to the amount of off-street vehicle parking that is required by this Code.
      (4)   Where bicycle parking is required due to addition, conversion, or renovation of an existing building, per subsection (a)(3) above, the bicycle parking shall be calculated based on the total square footage of the building or lot for all uses after the addition, conversion, renovation or parking expansion.
      (5)   Where bicycle parking is required due to change of use, per subsection (a)(4) above, the bicycle parking shall be calculated based on the occupied area of uses changed.
      (6)   Where a project proposes to construct new Non-Residential Uses or increase the area of existing Non-Residential Uses, for which the project has not identified specific uses at the time of project approval by the Planning Department or Planning Commission, the project shall provide the amount of non-residential bicycle parking required for Retail Sales per Table 155.2 .
Table 155.2
Minimum Number of Class 1 Spaces Required
Minimum Number of Class 2 Spaces Required
Dwelling Units (on lots with 3 units or less)
No racks required. Provide secure, weather protected space meeting dimensions set in Zoning Administrator Bulletin No. 9, one per unit, easily accessible to residents and not otherwise used for automobile parking or other purposes.
Dwelling Units (including SRO Units and Student Housing that are Dwelling Units)
One Class 1 space for every Dwelling Unit. For buildings containing more than 100 Dwelling Units, 100 Class 1 spaces plus one Class 1 space for every four Dwelling Units over 100. Dwelling Units that are also considered Student Housing shall provide 50 percent more spaces than would otherwise be required.
One per 20 units. Dwelling Units that are also considered Student Housing shall provide 50 percent more spaces than would otherwise be required.
Group Housing (including SRO Units and Student Housing that are Group Housing; Homeless Shelters are exempt)
One Class 1 space for every four beds. For buildings containing over 100 beds, 25 Class 1 spaces plus one Class 1 space for every five beds over 100. Group Housing that is also considered Student Housing shall provide 50% more spaces than would otherwise be required.
Minimum two spaces. Two Class 2 spaces for every 100 beds. Group Housing that is also considered Student Housing shall provide 50% more spaces than would otherwise be required.
Senior Housing or Dwelling Units dedicated to persons with physical disabilities
One Class 1 space for every 10 units or beds, whichever is applicable.
Minimum two spaces. Two Class 2 spaces for every 50 units or beds, whichever is applicable.
Agricultural Uses Category
Agricultural Uses
One Class 1 space for every 40,000 square feet.
Automotive Uses Category
Automotive Uses not listed below
One class 1 space for every 12,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, except not less than two Class 1 spaces for any use larger than 5,000 occupied square feet.
Minimum of two spaces. Four Class 2 spaces for any use larger than 50,000 occupied square feet.
Private Parking Garage or Lot, Public Parking Garage or Lot, Vehicle Storage Garage or Lot
None are required. However, if Class 1 spaces that can be rented on an hourly basis are provided, they may count toward the garage's requirement for Class 2 spaces.
One Class 2 space for every 20 car spaces, except in no case less than six Class 2 spaces.
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses Category
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses not listed below
Five Class 1 spaces for facilities with a capacity of less than 500 guests; 10 Class 1 spaces for facilities with capacity of grater than 500 guests.
One Class 2 space for every 500 seats or for every portion of each 50 person capacity.
Arts Activities
Minimum two spaces or one Class 1 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces or one Class 2 space for every 2,500 square feet of publicly accessible or exhibition space.
Sports Stadium, Arena, Amphitheater, or other venue of public gathering with a capacity of greater than 2,000 people
One Class 1 space for every 20 Employees during events.
Five percent of venue capacity excluding Employees. A portion of these must be provided in Attended Facilities as described in Section 155.1(b)(3).
Industrial Uses Category
Industrial Uses
One Class 1 space for every 12,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, except not less than two Class 1 spaces for any use larger than 5,000 occupied square feet.
Minimum of two spaces. Four Class 2 spaces for any use larger than 50,000 occupied square feet.
Institutional Uses Category
Child Care Facility
Minimum two spaces or one space for every 20 children.
One Class 2 space for every 20 children.
Community Facility, Private Community Facility, Public Facility
Minimum two spaces or one Class 1 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces or one Class 2 space for every 2,500 occupied square feet of publicly-accessible or exhibition area.
One Class 1 space for every 15,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
One Class 2 space for every 30,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, but no less than four located near each public pedestrian entrance.
Medical Cannabis Dispensary
One Class 1 space for every 7,500 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 2,500 square feet of Occupied Floor Area. For uses larger than 50,000 occupied gross square feet, 10 Class 2 spaces plus one Class 2 space for every additional 10,000 occupied square feet.
Philanthropic Administrative Service, Social Service or Philanthropic Facility
One Class 1 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces for any use greater than 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, and one Class 2 space for each additional 50,000 occupied square feet.
Post-Secondary Educational Institution or Trade School
One Class 1 space for every 20,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 10,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Religious Facility
Five Class 1 spaces for facilities with a capacity of less than 500 guests; 10 Class 1 spaces for facilities with a capacity of greater than 500 guests.
One Class 2 space for every 500 seats or for every portion of each 50 person capacity.
Residential Care Facility
None required.
Minimum two spaces. Two Class 2 spaces for every 50 units or beds, whichever is applicable.
Four Class 1 spaces for every classroom.
One Class 2 space for every classroom.
Sales and Services Use Category
Retail Sales and Services Uses not listed below
One Class 1 space for every 7,500 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 2,500 sq. ft. of Occupied Floor Area. For uses larger than 50,000 occupied square feet, 10 Class 2 spaces plus one Class 2 space for every additional 10,000 occupied square feet.
Eating and Drinking Uses, Personal Services, Financial Services
One Class 1 space for every 7,500 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 750 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Health Service
One Class 1 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
One Class 2 space for every 15,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, but no less than four located near each public pedestrian entrance.
Hotel, Motel
One Class 1 space for every 30 rooms.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 30 rooms
One Class 2 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area of conference, meeting or function rooms.
Retail space devoted to the handling of bulky merchandise such as motor vehicles, machinery or furniture, excluding grocery stores
Minimum two spaces. One Class 1 space for every 15,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces. One Class 2 space for every 10,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
One Class 1 space for every 40,000 square feet.
Trade Shop, Retail Greenhouse or Nursery
One Class 1 space for every 12,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, except not less than two Class 1 spaces for any use larger than 5,000 occupied square feet.
Minimum of two spaces. Four Class 2 spaces for any use larger than 50,000 occupied square feet.
Non-Retail Sales and Services not listed below
One Class 1 space for every 12,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, except not less than two Class 1 spaces for any use larger than 5,000 occupied square feet.
Minimum of two spaces. Four Class 2 spaces for any use larger than 50,000 gross square feet.
Commercial Storage, Wholesale Storage
One Class 1 space for every 40,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
One Class 1 space for every 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area.
Minimum two spaces for any Office Use greater than 5,000 square feet of Occupied Floor Area, and one Class 2 space for each additional 50,000 occupied square feet.
Utility and Infrastructure Uses Category
Utility and Infrastructure Uses non listed below
None required.
None required.
   (c)   Contractual Limits on Liability. Requirements for non-accessory garages and parking lots subject to Table 155.2 (29) shall not interfere with the rights of a parking garage owner to enter into agreements with parking garage patrons or take other lawful measures to limit the parking garage owner's liability to patrons with respect to bicycles parked in the parking garage, provided that such agreements or measures are in accordance with the requirements of this subsection.
   (d)   In Lieu Fee for Required Class 2 Bicycle Parking. An applicant may satisfy some or all of the requirements to provide Class 2 bicycle parking by paying the Bicycle Parking In Lieu Fee provided in Section 430 of this Code.
   (e)   Alternative Locations, Waivers and Variances. The Zoning Administrator may administratively waive or grant a variance from bicycle parking requirements or approve alternative locations for bicycle parking under the procedures of Sections 305 and 307(k) of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 183-13 , File No. 130528, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; amended by Ord. 14-15 , File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 188-15 , File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018)
(Former Sec. 155.2 added by Ord. 343-98, App. 11/19/98; repealed by Ord. 183-13 , File No. 130528, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013)
Table 155.2 amended; Ord. 14-15 , Eff. 3/15/2015. Divisions (a)(5), (a)(6), and (b)(1), and Table 155.2 amended; Ord. 188-15 , Eff. 12/4/2015. Table 155.2 amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018.