(a)   Large Wind Energy Systems Within C-2 and M-2 Zone Districts.
      (1)   Upon application, for a Wind Energy System in a C-2 General Commercial and M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District, there shall be filed with the Zoning Officer, plans which bear the stamp of approval and signature of the Department of Commerce, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Factory and Building Inspection, of the State of Ohio, which shall act as evidence that the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of the State of Ohio for said construction.
      (2)   The fee for a Wind Energy System Permit, in a C-2 General Commercial and M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. shall be seven-hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) which shall consist of a one-hundred and fifty dollar ($150.00) fee and six-hundred dollars ($600.00) towards an engineering review conducted by an engineering firm selected by the City of Salem. Additional engineering review costs shall paid for by the applicant before approval is granted. If site inspections are required, an inspection firm shall be selected by the City of Salem and the cost of said inspection shall be paid by the applicant. Fees are not refundable.
      (3)   The permit applicant shall provide documentation that the proposed Wind Energy System falls outside the limits set forth by Ohio R.C. 4561.32 as determined by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Aviation Section. If the proposed Wind Energy System falls within the limits of Ohio R.C. 4561.32, the applicant shall provide a copy of the permit issued by the ODOT Section for said system.
      (4)   The permit applicant shall provide documentation that a "Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation" has been received from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the proposed Wind Energy System.
      (5)   Permit Application. Applications for a Wind Energy System shall be made to the City of Salem, Zoning Office and shall include, but not limited to, the following information:
         A.   Site Plan, signed by a surveyor, architect or engineer, registered by the State of Ohio, to scale showing the location of all the components of the proposed Wind Energy System and the locations of all existing structures, buildings, property lines, overhead utilities, along with distances and
         B.   Elevation drawings of the site to scale showing the height, design, and configuration of the system and the height and distance to all existing structures, buildings, overhead utilities, property lines and rail lines.
         C.   Structural drawings and engineering analysis of the system tower and/or supporting structure, demonstrating adequate weight and lateral stress capacity, and a standard foundation and anchor design demonstrating adequate vertical and lateral support capacity for the soil conditions at the site. All free standing tower designs shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Ohio.
         D.   Evidence of the cost value.
      (6)   Design Standards.
         A.   Tower Design. The design of the tower shall be a single enclosed pole, which is freestanding, without guy wires. The maximum number of towers per a four (4) acre parcel/site or system owner shall not exceed two (2).
         B.   Minimum Blade Height. The minimum height of the lowest extent of the turbine blade shall be thirty (30) feet above the foundation of the tower or thirty (30) feet above any structure or obstacle within thirty (30) feet horizontally from any part of the arc of the turbine blades.
         C.   Visual Appearance. Wind Energy Systems shall be finished in a corrosion resistant, non-obtrusive finish and a non-reflective color consisting of off-white, gray or sky/pale blue. No Wind Energy System shall be lighted, unless required by the FAA. No flags, streamers, decorations or advertising signs of any kind or nature shall be permitted on any system. All systems shall have a clearly visible warning sign at the base of the system warning of "High Voltage". All access doors to the Wind Energy System, if any, shall be locked to prevent entry by non-authorized personnel.
         D.   Controls and Brakes. All Wind Energy Systems with external blades shall be equipped with a redundant braking system. This includes both aerodynamic over-speed controls (including pitch, tip and other similar systems) and mechanical brakes. Mechanical brakes shall be operated in a fail-safe mode. Stall regulations shall not be considered a sufficient braking system for over-speed protections.
   (b)   Small Wind Energy Systems Within all Zone Districts.
      (1)   Small Wind Energy Systems shall be a Conditionally Permitted Use within all Zone Districts. There shall be only one (1) unit at each residential site or parcel, except within a Commercial or Industrial Zone District where the Board of Zoning Appeals shall set the permitted number of units at each location, site or parcel.
      (2)   A Small Wind Energy System shall have a faceplate capacity of less than 50 kW.
      (3)   The fee for a Small Wind Energy System Permit, in all Residential Zone Districts shall be one-hundred and fifty dollar ($150.00).
      (4)   Small Wind Energy Systems in all Commercial and Industrial Zone Districts shall be in compliance with Section 1189.06 (a)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)A., B., D.
      (5)   A Small Wind Energy System installation shall not contain any guy wires.
      (6)   Permit Application. Applications for all Residential Small Wind Energy Systems shall be made to the City of Salem, Zoning Office and shall include, but not limited to, the following information:
         A.   Site Plan, signed by a surveyor, architect or engineer, registered in the State of Ohio, showing the location of all components of the Wind Energy System and the locations of all structures, buildings, property lines along with dimensions and distances.
         B.   Evidence of the cost value.
      (7)   Design Standards.
         A.   Mounting. Small Wind Energy Systems in Residential Zone Districts shall be roof mounted or mounted on a standard single metal utility pole in accordance with manufacturers specifications. Approval of a roof mounting system and the standard metal utility pole shall be granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Total height of a Small Wind Energy System shall be determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals and in no case shall any part of a roof mounted system extend higher than twelve (12) feet above the top of the roof where it is mounted. Pole mounted Small Wind Energy Systems shall be located at the rear of a main building.
            (Ord. 110504-18. Passed 6-21-11.)