17.600.220   Design guidelines for design review districts.
   A.   Design guidelines may be adopted for each design review district in accordance with the notice and hearing procedures prescribed in section 17.600.210, except that the council may adopt the design guidelines by resolution.
   B.   Design guidelines for a design review district shall be consistent with the general plan and shall contain all of the following elements:
      1.   A statement of the goals for design review within the design review district;
      2.   A statement of the standards and criteria to be utilized in determining the appropriateness of any proposed building or structure or alteration thereof within the design review district; and
      3.   Any additional material as may be required, in the judgment of the city council, to achieve the purposes stated in section 17.600.200. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)