17.600.115   Relocated rear yard for corner lots.
   A.   Single-unit and duplex dwellings. For single-unit or duplex dwellings located on a corner lot, the rear yard may be relocated to the interior side yard of the lot. The minimum rear-yard setback and area standards apply to a relocated rear yard; provided that the rear-yard setback of a relocated rear yard may be less than 15 feet at some locations if the setback is at least five feet along the entire interior side lot boundary.
   B.   Other uses. For all uses other than single-unit and duplex dwellings located on a corner lot, the planning and design commission may, in approving site plan and design review, allow a relocated rear yard in accordance with subsection A of this section; provided, that the relocated rear yard meets the rear-yard setback and area requirements of subsection A. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)