5.28.150   Right to amend.
   Except as hereinafter provided, any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject and subordinate during its term to exercise of the police powers for protection and promotion of the public health, safety and welfare through amendment of this chapter as authorized by Section 5.28.140 of this chapter. In the absence of an emergency, and without the consent of the franchisee, the following provisions of this chapter shall not be altered or repealed as applied to a franchise for which a certificate of acceptance has been filed in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.28.440 of this chapter in advance of the effective date of the alteration or repeal:
   A.   Definitions of "basic service," "gross revenues" and "streets" in Section 5.28.020 and Sections 5.28.040, 5.28.050, 5.28.130, 5.28.140, 5.28.150 and 5.28.210 in this chapter;
   B.   The right to receive compensation for acquisition by the cable television commission or its assignee of any of a franchisee's property utilized in the performance of services under the franchise in accordance with the valuation standards prescribed by Sections 5.28.580 and 5.28.590 of this chapter;
   C.   The provisions relating to requirements of the cable television system prescribed by Sections 5.28.690 through 5.28.750 of this chapter, and the provisions relating to prevailing rates prescribed by Sections 5.28.770 through 5.28.820 of this chapter;
   D.   The provisions, standards, procedures and remedies relating to construction, completion and service prescribed by Sections 5.28.900 through 5.28.1150 of this chapter;
   E.   The provisions relating to cable television services contained in Sections 5.28.1280, 5.28.1290 and 5.28.1310 of this chapter;
   F.   The provisions and procedures relating to the amount of, payment of, and increases in franchise fees prescribed by Sections 5.28.1510 through 5.28.1540 and 5.28.1560 through 5.28.1580 of this chapter;
   G.   The provisions relating to security, surety, indemnification and insurance prescribed by Sections 5.28.1640 through 5.28.1690 of this chapter;
   H.   The provisions, relating to transfers and assignments prescribed by Sections 5.28.1720 through 5.28.1760 and 5.28.1770 of this chapter;
   I.   The provisions relating to remedies prescribed by Sections 5.28.1810 through 5.28.1900 and 5.28.1920 through 5.28.1970 of this chapter. (Prior code § 20.01.038)