General Provisions
31.001 Executive power; where vested
31.015 Term of Mayor; power and duties
31.016 General duties of the Mayor
31.017 Communications to the Legislative Authority
31.018 Protest against excess of expenditures
31.019 Supervision of conduct of officers
31.020 Annual report to the Legislative Authority
31.021 Mayor to file charges against delinquent officers
31.022 Vacancies in office of Mayor
31.023 Disposition of fines and other moneys
31.040 Election, term, qualifications of the Clerk
31.041 Powers and duties of Clerk
31.042 Books and accounts; merger of offices
31.043 Seal of Clerk
31.044 Combined offices of Clerk and Treasurer; Fiscal Officer
31.060 Election, term, qualifications of the Treasurer
31.061 Accounts of Treasurer
31.062 Powers and duties
31.063 Quarterly account; annual report
31.064 Receipt and disbursement of funds
31.065 Duty of delivering money and property
31.066 Liability for loss of public funds
Street Commissioner
31.080 Qualifications
31.081 General duties
31.082 Assistants
Other Officials
31.100 Legal counsel
31.101 Administrator
31.102 Board of Trustees of Public Affairs
31.103 Fire Engineer, Engineer and Superintendent of Markets
The Mayor shall be elected for a term of four years commencing on the first day of January next after his or her election. He or she shall be an elector of the municipality, and shall have resided in the municipality for at least one year immediately preceding his or her election. He or she shall be the chief conservator of the peace within the municipality, and shall have the powers and duties provided by law. He or she shall be the President of the Legislative Authority, and shall preside at all regular and special meetings thereof, but shall have no vote except in case of a tie.
(R.C. § 733.24)
The Mayor shall perform all the duties prescribed by the bylaws and ordinances of the municipality. He or she shall see that all ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions of the Legislative Authority are faithfully obeyed and enforced. He or she shall sign all commissions, licenses, and permits granted by the Legislative Authority, or authorized by Title VII of the Ohio Revised Code, and such other instruments as by law or ordinance require his or her certificate.
(R.C. § 733.30)
The Mayor shall communicate to the Legislative Authority from time to time a statement of the finances of the municipality, and other information relating thereto, and the general condition of the affairs of the municipality as he or she deems proper, or as is required by the Legislative Authority.
(R.C. § 733.32)