The Mayor shall be elected for a term of four years commencing on the first day of January next after his or her election. He or she shall be an elector of the municipality, and shall have resided in the municipality for at least one year immediately preceding his or her election. He or she shall be the chief conservator of the peace within the municipality, and shall have the powers and duties provided by law. He or she shall be the President of the Legislative Authority, and shall preside at all regular and special meetings thereof, but shall have no vote except in case of a tie.
(R.C. § 733.24)
The Mayor shall perform all the duties prescribed by the bylaws and ordinances of the municipality. He or she shall see that all ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions of the Legislative Authority are faithfully obeyed and enforced. He or she shall sign all commissions, licenses, and permits granted by the Legislative Authority, or authorized by Title VII of the Ohio Revised Code, and such other instruments as by law or ordinance require his or her certificate.
(R.C. § 733.30)
The Mayor shall communicate to the Legislative Authority from time to time a statement of the finances of the municipality, and other information relating thereto, and the general condition of the affairs of the municipality as he or she deems proper, or as is required by the Legislative Authority.
(R.C. § 733.32)
If, in the opinion of the Mayor, an expenditure authorized by the Legislative Authority exceeds the revenues of the municipality for the current year, he or she shall protest against the expenditure and enter the protest, and the reason therefor, on the journal of the Legislative Authority.
(R.C. § 733.33)
The Mayor shall supervise the conduct of all the officers of the municipality, inquire into and examine the grounds of all reasonable complaints against any officers, and cause their violations or neglect of duty to be punished promptly or reported to the proper authority for correction.
(R.C. § 733.34)