   The Treasurer, at the expiration of his or her term of office, or on his or her resignation or removal, shall deliver to his or her successor, all moneys, books, papers, and other property in his or her possession as Treasurer. In the case of the death or incapacity of the Treasurer, his or her legal representatives shall, in like manner, deliver the money and property which were in the Treasurer’s hands to the person entitled thereto.
(R.C. § 733.47)
   The Treasurer, or other officer of the municipality having the duties of a treasurer or of a city auditor, shall not be held liable for a loss of public funds when the officer has performed all official duties required of the officer with reasonable care, but shall be liable only when a loss of public funds results from the officer’s negligence or other wrongful act.
(R.C. § 733.82) (Rev. 2023)
   (A)   So long as the municipality has not provided for the appointment of an Administrator under R.C. § 735.271 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, a Street Commissioner shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Legislative Authority for a term of one year. He or she need not be a resident of the municipality at the time of his or her appointment, but shall become a resident thereof within six months after his or her appointment and confirmation, unless the residence requirement is waived by ordinance. Vacancies in the office of Street Commissioner shall be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term.
   (B)   The appointment of a Street Commissioner shall include a probationary period of six months. If an appointment is made for an unexpired term, and if the same Street Commissioner is reappointed at the end of that term, the probationary period shall continue into his or her next term. No appointment is final until the appointee has satisfactorily completed his or her probationary period. If the service of the appointee is unsatisfactory during the probationary period, he or she may be removed by the Mayor and the reasons for the removal shall be communicated to the Legislative Authority. If a person is appointed to successive terms as Street Commissioner, he or she shall serve only one six month probationary period during those successive terms.
   (C)   The Marshal shall be eligible to appointment as Street Commissioner.
(R.C. § 735.31) (Rev. 1999)
   Under the direction of the Mayor or other chief executive officer, the Street Commissioner, or an engineer, when one is provided by the Legislative Authority, shall supervise the improvement and repair of streets, avenues, alleys, lands, lanes, squares, wards, landings, market houses, bridges, viaducts, sidewalks, sewers, drains, ditches, culverts, ship channels, streams, and water courses. The Street Commissioner or engineer shall also supervise the lighting, sprinkling, and cleaning of all public places, and shall perform such other duties, consistent with the nature of his or her office, as the Mayor or other chief executive officer requires.
(R.C. § 735.32)
§ 31.082 ASSISTANTS.
   The Street Commissioner or engineer mentioned in § 31.081 shall have such assistants as the Legislative Authority provides, who shall be employed by the Street Commissioner, and serve for such time and compensation as is fixed by the Legislative Authority.
(R.C. § 735.33)