The property owners of the city shall be responsible for the construction and repair of all sidewalks, curbs and parking between sidewalks and curbs abutting upon their respective properties and on corner lots such responsibility shall include the sidewalks, curbs and parkings to the intersection of the curb lines extended.
All sidewalks and curbs shall be built in the city and all parkings between such sidewalks and curbs, which shall be filled and graded under the provisions of any ordinance or order of the city, shall be built and repaired or filled and graded to conform to the grade designated by the city engineer at the expense of the property owner. The city council may direct such sidewalks and curbs or such parking to be built or repaired or filled or graded as provided by this chapter. The city engineer shall designate the grade upon which such sidewalks or curbs shall be built or repaired and such parking shall be filled and graded and shall issue a permit and instructions therefor whenever application shall be made in due form, setting forth specifically the location of the property in front of which said work is proposed to be done, the nature of the sidewalk or curb to be built or repaired and the parking to be filled or graded, accompanied by the proper charge for furnishing such grade and the inspection of such sidewalk or curbing or parking; provided, however, the city council may, if they deem necessary and proper, dispense with the services of the city engineer in the furnishing of such grades. (1960 Code, Sec. 6-101)