The fees to be collected for building construction are as follows:
Up to and including $1,000 valuation, minimum | $15.00 |
For each additional $1,000 valuation or fraction thereof, up to and including $100,000 | 2.00 |
For each additional $1,000 valuation or fraction over $100,000 | 1.00 |
The above rates exclude electrical, plumbing, heating, sewer and other necessary permit fees.
(Ord. 1369. Passed 1-14-80.)
Before a permit shall be granted, the building official shall reestimate the value of the proposed building. If the valuation of the work is underestimated on the application, then the building official shall establish the valuation of the improvement or proposed building. The building official may be guided in his estimating by an approved practice or method of estimating.
Cost of construction shall not include the cost of any mechanical work requiring
separate permits as herein established.
(Ord. 1369. Passed 1-14-80.)