This district provides area for public facilities as well as outdoor and combination outdoor/indoor recreation areas.
   (A)   Height. No restriction as to height of buildings.
   (B)   Front yard. The front yard in this district shall be a minimum 30-foot wide landscaped area containing a minimum of two large canopy trees (minimum 15 feet in height), two small ornamental trees and five shrubs (minimum six inches in height), including irrigation, for each 40 lineal feet of frontage. Such landscaping may be clustered to provide a “natural” look. Attractive fencing, boulders, rockwork and other items are strongly encouraged.
   (C)   Rear yard. A 30-foot rear yard shall be required that meets the landscape requirements in division (B) above.
   (D)   Side yard. A 30-foot side yard shall be required that meets the landscape requirements in division (B) above; except that, roads and driveways may penetrate the side yards in order to connect businesses along the highway frontage so to minimize highway use to get from one business to another.
   (E)   Use. No building, structure or premises shall be used, and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered or maintained, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for one or more of the uses listed below:
      (1)   Accessory uses and buildings;
      (2)   Arena;
      (3)   Camping;
      (4)   Concert area;
      (5)   Fair;
      (6)   Golf course;
      (7)   Governmental and cultural facilities;
      (8)   Pow-wow ground;
      (9)   Recreational vehicle park;
      (10)   School;
      (11)   Senior citizen center;
      (12)   Signs not to exceed 144 square feet in area, ten feet in height and externally lit;
      (13)   Sports fields;
      (14)   Park, playground;
      (15)   Skate and bicycle park;
      (16)   Skating rink;
      (17)   Swimming pool;
      (18)   Vending; and
      (19)   Youth camps and facilities.
   (F)   Maximum lot coverage area. 50%.
(1992 Code, § 9-1-110)