(A) Note: There is no mixed commercial/industrial area within the city limits as of 6-23-2008. This text is intended to be applied to the mixed commercial and industrial areas shown on the Future Land Use Map of the Ronan Growth Policy as those areas are annexed into the city.
(B) This district provides for commercial and industrial uses that generate noise, dust, odor and other impacts and require substantial amounts of space while having a reasonable degree of control that is desirable for the general well being of the community.
(1) Height. Buildings shall not be more than 50 feet in height.
(2) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 30 feet.
(3) Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of at least five feet when abutting an alley, 30 feet when abutting a public street and 30 feet when abutting a residential or mixed commercial/residential district.
(4) Visual buffering. When abutting a public street, a residential or a commercial/residential district, within the required setback, there shall be a fenced and landscaped visual screen suitable to buffer the visual impact of the land use. The visual screen shall contain a minimum of two large-canopy trees (minimum 15 feet in height), four small ornamental trees and ten shrubs (minimum six inches in height), including irrigation, for each 40 lineal feet. Such landscaping may be clustered to provide a “natural” look. Fencing shall generally be made of wood, but shall be designed to visually screen the land use and provide for safety where appropriate.
(5) Use. Buildings and premises may be used for any purpose whatsoever unless otherwise indicated below; the following industrial operations as hereinafter defined shall be permitted with Zone “D” Mixed Commercial/Industrial of the city’s zoning area:
(a) The construction, maintenance and operation of wood product manufacturing plants;
(b) The loading and unloading of unprocessed logs by railroad and truck;
(c) The storage of unprocessed logs and finished timber products and the movement thereof;
(d) The processing of logs into manufactured products;
(e) The construction, maintenance and operation of machinery and physical plant for such manufacturing purposes;
(f) The construction, maintenance and operation of waste and by-product disposal facilities and processing equipment, including, but not limited to, storage bins, conveyors, de-barkers, cruppers, saws and related equipment together with needed utility installation for use in connection therewith; and
(g) Wireless communication facility with one or all antennae located on an existing tower or monopole or attached to an existing building or structure, camouflaged and/or hidden to the extent possible, collocated to the extent possible and not greater than 70 feet in height; and
(h) The slaughter and processing of animals.
(6) Non-permitted uses.
(a) No building or occupancy permit shall be issued for any of the following uses, until and unless, the location of such uses shall have been approved by the Council:
1. Wood pulp or paper processing plant;
2. Acid manufacture;
3. Distillation of bones, coal or wood;
4. Explosive manufacture or storage;
5. Fat rendering;
6. Fertilizer manufacture;
7. Garbage, offal or dead animal reduction;
8. Petroleum refining;
9. Smelting of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores;
10. Stock yards; and
11. Any residences such as would be permitted under §§ 10-1-4 or 10-1-5.
(b) When the Council or Zoning Commission is to consider the above land uses, it shall conduct a public hearing after collecting a required fee, notifying all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property and publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation for a period of at least 15 days prior to the hearing. At the hearing, the Council will consider the land use’s potential impacts related to noise, smell, air quality, light, public health and safety and other appropriate factors. Where residences are proposed, the Council will consider the compatibility of such use in relation to nearby land uses. The Council may place reasonable conditions on any such use.
(7) Maximum lot coverage area. 60%.
(1992 Code, § 9-1-108; Ord. 2023-02, passed 8-9-2023)