(A) All developers applying for any of the following permits and/or approvals shall submit, for approval, a drainage plan prepared by a professional engineer with their application and/or request:
(1) Major subdivision plat approval; and
(2) Minor subdivision plat approval.
(B) Commencement of construction work under any of the above permits or applications shall not begin until such time as final approval of the drainage plan is obtained in accordance with the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(C) The same plan submitted during one permit/approval process may be subsequently submitted with further required applications. The plan shall be supplemented with such additional information as may be requested by the city planning staff or its Facilities Department.
(D) The plan requirement established in this section will apply, except when the developer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the city staff and/or Planning Board that the proposed activity or development:
(1) Will neither seriously, nor adversely, impact the water quality conditions of any affected receiving bodies of water;
(2) Will not alter the surface discharge location, alter the drainage pattern on adjoining properties, alter drainage patterns, increase the discharge, nor cause any other adverse effects in the drainage; and
(3) Will not alter the subsurface drainage patterns, flow rates and discharge points, nor result in any significant adverse affects to property or residents.
(E) Drainage plans shall be prepared in accordance with the rules, regulations and standards as the same then exists, and shall be consistent with the criteria set forth in this chapter.
(F) At the time of approval of the drainage plan for the subject property, a schedule for inspection of construction and facilities will be established by the city planning staff.
(Ord. 2009-04, passed 9-14-2009)