Type | Maximum Gradient | Minimum Gradient | Clear Sight Distance |
Arterials Major collectors | 6% | 0.50% | As approved by the Village Engineer |
Minor collectors | 6% | 0.50% | As approved by the Village Engineer |
Residential Streets | 8% | 0.50% | As approved by the Village Engineer |
Commercial, Industrial | 5% | 0.50% | As approved by the Village Engineer |
Alley-Business* | As approved by the Village Engineer | ||
Alley-Residential* | As approved by the Village Engineer |
*Standards for these streets shall be as indicated or as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Village Engineer. See Appendix B: Roadway Specifications.
(Ord. 07-0541, passed 6-6-07; Am. Ord. 12-1014, passed 11-7-12)
(A) General.
(1) All developments shall be provided with street pavements and appurtenances designed in accordance with this appendix.
(2) All roadway improvements shall be installed in accordance with the material, installation and testing requirements of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in Illinois," adopted by the Illinois Department of Transportation on January 1, 2007, and the latest edition of the "Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions", unless otherwise modified in this section.
(3) Specification references made herein for manufactured items, such as pipe, cement, aggregates, etc. refer to designations of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Design references made herein refer to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
(4) All contractors constructing public roads in the Village of Romeoville shall be pre-qualified with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Bituminous and concrete plants supplying materials shall be IDOT-certified.
(5) A permit is required prior to the start of any construction on Public Easement or Rights-of-Way that would cut, alter, grade or excavate the surface or support for the surface of any street, road, highway, parkway, curb, sidewalk or way within the Village of Romeoville. A permit may be obtained at the Department of Community Development, 15 Montrose Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446.
(B) Basic Design Standards.
(1) The design of roadways in the Village of Romeoville shall be in accordance with the general guidelines and typical cross sections found in Appendix A: Street Design Guidelines. Variations from these guidelines are required to be approved by the Village in advance.
(2) At the discretion of the Director of Public Works, a binder wedge will be required along the edge of exposed gutter if installation of the surface course is not anticipated within 30 days. The wedge will be the depth of the surface course at the gutter edge, transitioning to zero depth a minimum of 4 feet into the drive surface. This wedge is to ensure proper drainage and protection of the gutter edge from snowplow damage.
(C) Material specifications. All pavement elements shall conform to the following specifications:
(1) Bituminous concrete binder courses shall meet HOT-MIX ASPHALT BINDER COURSE Il-19, N-50. Up to 25% RAP will be allowed in binder course.
(2) Bituminous concrete surface courses shall meet HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE Il-19, Mix C N-50 for residential streets and bike trails, and HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE Il-19, Mix D N-50 for all other streets, unless approved in advance by the Village Engineer. Up to 15% RAP will be allowed in surface course.
(3) Mix designs shall be submitted to Village thirty days prior to work.
(4) Bituminous pavers shall have a minimum closed screed width of ten feet (10') and shall be equipped with electronic grade control.
(5) All concrete roadway construction materials for curb and gutter, concrete pavement, lighting base foundations, etc. shall meet IDOT material requirements for Class SI concrete as applicable.
(6) Thermoplastic materials used for pavement markings and roadway striping shall meet applicable articles of IDOT Standard Specifications. This work shall be undertaken in accordance with IDOT allowable calendar dates and weather conditions unless approved in advance by Village of Romeoville.
(D) Testing and Acceptance.
(1) Contractor shall notify the Public Improvement Coordinator, the Village Engineer and the materials testing firm forty-eight (48) hours prior to work or test being performed. If an existing street is to be partially or totally closed, the developer is to notify the Village of Romeoville Department of Public Works, Fire Department, Police Department, and all School Districts forty-eight (48) hours in advance prior to closing. Written approval by the Director of Public Works is required prior to any partial or total road closure.
(2) Pavement Observation Procedures (including bike paths) shall be as follows:
a. Proof roll Sub-grade — (Acceptable proof roll vehicle-14 ton (50,000 gross) Semi-truck 21 ton (73,000 gross)).
1. Before curb and gutter is installed.
2. One inch (1") rut and one inch (1") roll maximum.
3. Repair sub-grade until an acceptable proof roll is obtained.
b. String-line Sub-grade.
1. Plus one-half inch (+1/2") maximum.
c. Proof roll Sub-base (if applicable).
1. No movement-rutting or rolling-allowed.
2. Repair Sub-base and other underlying layers if necessary until an acceptable proof roll is obtained.
d. String-line Sub-base (if applicable).
1. Plus one-forth inch (+1/4") maximum.
e. Proof roll Aggregate base course (if applicable).
1. No movement-rutting or rolling allowed.
2. Repair aggregate base course and other underlying layer if necessary until an acceptable proof roll is obtained.
f. String-line Aggregate base course (if applicable).
1. Plus one-forth inch (+1/4") maximum.
g. Proof roll Bituminous base course (if applicable).
1. No movement rutting or rolling allowed.
2. Repair bituminous base course and other underlying layer if necessary until an acceptable proof roll is obtained.
h. Density Test Bituminous base course (if applicable).
1. On-site density testing is performed by an independent testing firm acceptable to the Village Engineer and cores taken to check thickness per Village Engineer.
i. String-line Bituminous base course (if applicable).
1. Plus one-forth inch (+1/4") maximum.
j. Check Condition of Pavement/Aggregate Prior to base course.
1. Bituminous material (prime coat) must be cured prior to placement of binder.
2. Priming immediately in front of paver is NOT ALLOWED.
k. Density test binder course.
1. On-site density testing performed by an independent testing firm acceptable to the Village Engineer and if needed cores taken to check thickness.
2. Repair bituminous binder course by removal and replacement for failed areas or a method acceptable to the Village Engineer.
l. Check Conditions of Pavement binder course prior to surface course. The Developer is responsible for pavement maintenance including filling potholes when requested by the Village.
1. Surface Course shall be installed as follows;
(a) Only after one winter season and seventy-five percent (75%) of occupancy permits issued.
(b) Surfacing shall be completed within three years of installation of the binder.
2. Clean pavement and curbs prior to proof roll.
3. Proof roll bituminous binder course. No movement-rutting or rolling allowed. Repair binder course be removal and replacement.
4. If cracks are greater than one-half inch (1/2") wide and occur over twenty-five percent (25%) of the pavement, then repair bituminous binder course and other underlying layers until an acceptable proof roll is obtained.
5. If cracks are less than one-half inch (1/2") wide and occur over twenty-five percent (25%) of the pavement, then repair bituminous binder course by HEATER SCARIFY, overlay method, or a method acceptable to the Village Engineer.
(a) If cracks are less than one-half inch (1/2") and less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area, then repair binder and base course as necessary.
(b) If longitudinal and transverse cracking are less than ten percent (10%) of the length, then repair with mix for cracks.
(c) If longitudinal and transverse cracks are greater than ten percent (10%) of the length, then repair with crack fill acceptable to the Village Engineer.
6. Remove and replace damaged curb and gutter. The minimum length of removal and replacement is ten feet (10').
(a) Two (2) Rebar dowels are required in replacement sections.
(b) Replacement curb requires dowel bars (2) at each end. Maximum diameter three-quarter inch (3/4").
(c) Any pavement disturbed by curb replacement shall be saw cut a minimum of eighteen inches (18") wide. Length to be determined by the Engineer.
(d) Bituminous driveway aprons disturbed by curb removal shall be saw cut a minimum twenty-four inches (24") wide and replaced full width.
(e) Any concrete driveway aprons disturbed by curb removal shall be saw cut at the closest joint and replaced full width.
7. Remove cold patch and replace with hot mix. Place level binder in binder irregularities, trench settlement, etc.
8. Bituminous material (tack coat) will be placed only if the Village Engineer accepts the conditions of the pavement.
9. Bituminous surface course placed on pavement not accepted by the Village or Village Engineer will be removed and replaced.
10. Bituminous material (tack coat) must be cured prior to placement of surface. Priming immediately in front of the paver is not allowed.
m. Density test bituminous surface course (if applicable).
1. On-site density testing performed by an independent testing firm acceptable to the Village Engineer and cores taken to check thickness.
2. Repair bituminous surface course by removal and replacement areas or a method acceptable to the Village.
MATERIAL TESTING REQUIREMENTS Village Will Observe All Testing Performed | |||||
Test Items | Test | Who Performs Test | Number of Tests | Test Paid By | Test Ordered By |
MATERIAL TESTING REQUIREMENTS Village Will Observe All Testing Performed | |||||
Test Items | Test | Who Performs Test | Number of Tests | Test Paid By | Test Ordered By |
Sub-grade | Proof Roll | Contractor/ Testing Firm | Entire Project | Developer | Developer |
String-line | Contractor | Entire Project | Developer | Developer | |
Aggregate | Proof Roll | Contractor/ Testing Firm | Entire Project | Developer | Developer |
String-line | Contractor | Entire Project | Developer | Developer | |
Structural | Concrete | Testing Firm | Concrete | Developer | Developer |
See IDOT Stand | See IDOT Stand | ||||
Bituminous | Rolling | Testing Firm | Developer | Developer | |
Concrete | Pattern | Developer | Developer | ||
Asphalt | Testing Firm | Developer | |||
Temperature | |||||
Nuclear | Testing Firm | Developer | |||
Density Test | |||||
* The thickness of the completed pavement will be verified by the cores. A minimum of four (4) core specimens per day are required.
All firms used for bituminous and concrete testing shall be approved or chosen by the Village Engineer at the Developer's cost. The testing firms shall be agreed upon at the pre-construction conference meeting. The developer shall notify the Engineer and the Village a minimum of 48 hours prior to any bituminous paving or concrete placement.
Testing shall consist of all applicable site testing. Site testing shall include establishing a rolling pattern, asphalt temperature, nuclear density test, (a minimum of two sets and a maximum of six tests for streets less than 1500'), and any other testing deemed necessary by the Village Engineer. The testing company's technician shall provide verbal test results while paving, and written results within 48 hours to the Village Engineer.
If any individual street has an average density per IDOT requirements of less than minimum requirements, that street shall be deemed as having failed and further testing and/or replacement shall be required.
The Developer will supply the Engineer with a list of plants that will be used for work on site. The plant list will include a list of plant codes as they correlate to IDOT approved mixes. This list must be delivered to the Village Engineer 10 working day prior to asphalt being placed. The testing firm's inspector shall fill out the Village form, and return it to the Village Engineer, along with a copy of field and lab reports. The testing firm is responsible for all field and lab tests, and reports.
Structural concrete to be tested shall include but is not limited to; bridges, box culverts, beams, retaining walls, and items noted by the Village Engineer. Nonstructural items, such as curbs and sidewalks will be visually inspected by the Village, but may be subject to additional testing if warranted as determined by the Village. The Developer must notify the Village 48 hours prior to all Concrete placement.
The developer will supply the Village Engineer with a list of batch plants that will be used for work on the site. The batch plant list will also include a list of plant codes as they correlate to IDOT approved mixes. The list must be delivered to the Village Engineer prior to any concrete being placed.
The testing firm's inspector shall fill out the Village form, and return it to the Village Engineer, along with a copy of field and lab reports. The testing firm is responsible for all field and lab tests, making, picking up, and breaking of cylinders, and reports.
(Ord. 07-0541, passed 6-6-07; Am. Ord. 12-1014, passed 11-7-12)