The Mayor shall prepare with the assistance of the Director of Finance, and submit an annual appropriation ordinance to the Clerk of Council not later than the last day of each January, which appropriation ordinance shall be based upon estimates furnished by the head of each department, division, board or commission in such form and detail as the Mayor may require.
   Copies of such appropriation ordinance shall be available for distribution to the public and a public hearing shall be held before final action is taken by the Council. Notice of the time and place of such public hearing shall be held before final action is taken by Council. Notice of the time and place of such public hearing shall be given by publication once not less than seven (7) days prior thereto in a newspaper determined by Council to be of general circulation to the City.
   The annual appropriation ordinance shall be passed by the Council not later than April 1 of each year. The Council may amend or supplement the appropriation ordinance after its passage. Council may make one (1) or more preliminary appropriations until the annual appropriation ordinance is in effect.
(Amended 11-6-90.)