Special meetings may be called by the President of the village or any three Trustees upon at least 24-hours’ written notice to all members and the President; provided that, if all the Trustees are present at a special meeting, no notice of the meeting shall be necessary and such notice shall be deemed waived. Public notice shall be given as provided by statute.
(Prior Code, § 30.013)
(A) Establishment. The following standing committees of the Board of Trustees are hereby established.
(1) Administrative. The Administrative Committee shall monitor and supervise all matters relating to administration of village government, administration of the Village Personnel Code and personnel policies, budget, land acquisition, finance, grants and loans, insurance, codification of ordinances, licensing, library, franchises and all other matters not assigned any other standing committee. The Committee Chairperson shall on contract negotiation team for all union contracts and shall serve as the Board’s point of contact with Riverton Library Board. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(2) Public Health and Safety. The Public Health and Safety Committee shall monitor and supervise all matters relating to police, emergency management, animal control, weeds, trash, mosquitoes, recycling programs and dangerous buildings. The Committee Chairperson shall serve on contract negotiation team for union contract with Police Union and shall serve as the Board’s point of contact with Riverton Fire Department and Emergency Management personnel. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(3) Public Works. The Public Works Committee shall monitor and supervise all matters relating to streets, alleys, sidewalks, ditches, culverts, overlay program, MFT program, snow removal program, traffic codes, public rights-of-way, street lights and signals. The Committee Chairperson shall serve on contract negotiation team for union contract with Public Works Union and shall serve as the Board’s point of contact with Clear Lake Township. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(4) Public Parks and Recreation. The Public Parks and Recreation Committee shall monitor and supervise all matters relating to parks maintenance, parks scheduling, summer programs, special events, Riverfest liaison, Tree Board and camping sites. The Committee Chairperson shall serve as the Board’s point of contact with all local and school sports leagues. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(5) Public Utilities. The Public Utilities Committee shall monitor and supervise all matters relating to water, sewer, gas and electric matters, utility billing, utility disconnects and reconnects and utility rates. The Committee Chairperson shall serve on contract negotiation team for union contract with Electric Union and shall serve as the Board’s point of contact with IMEA, IMGA, and IMUA. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(6) Economic Development and Historic Preservation. The Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee shall monitor and supervise all mattes relating to economic development, building and property maintenance codes, commercial, and residential development, zoning, annexations, building permits, comprehensive plant, development incentives, historic documentation and preservation. The Committee Chairperson shall serve as liaison with Springfield Chamber of Commerce, local Chamber of Commerce, and businesses. The Committee shall review and recommend policies and practices respecting these subjects to the Board of Trustees.
(B) Composition.
(1) The committees shall be composed of three Trustees, one of whom shall be the Chairperson.
(2) The President shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees other than the Administrative Committee, of which the President is a voting member.
(C) Appointment of committee members. Members of all standing committees and the Chairperson shall be appointed by the President with the advise and consent of the Board of Trustees.
(D) Committee meetings.
(1) All committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order or other such rules of procedure as may be adopted by the committee.
(2) A majority of the members appointed to any committee constitutes a quorum. Ex-officio members may not be counted for the purpose of determining the presence of a quorum.
(3) Meetings of the committees may be called by the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall, within two days, call a meeting upon the written request of a majority of the members thereof.
(4) Notice of meetings of committees shall be duly posted or published and such meetings shall be open to the public, and otherwise conducted in full compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq., as amended from time to time.
(E) Reports.
(1) Any written committee reports shall be signed by a majority of the members thereof and filed with the Village Clerk. Minority reports may be filed.
(2) The Chairperson of each committee shall report committee action to the President and Board of Trustees at the regular Board meeting thereof next ensuing after the occurrence of such committee action.
(3) The President shall promptly advise the appropriate committee chairperson of actions or occurrences relating to the subject of review, or filed of responsibility, which do not conform with policies, procedures or practices approved by the committee or the Board of Trustees; in case of any emergency concerning the subject or responsibility of a standing committee, the President or such other responsible village official or employee shall promptly advise the Chairperson of such committee of the occurrence. The Chairperson shall forthwith advise the members of said committee of such emergency and shall take such actions as may be deemed necessary and convenient, all circumstances considered.
(4) The President shall provide each committee copies of correspondence and documents received and engaged in by the President relative to the subject of review of field of responsibility of the appropriate committee. The Chairperson of each committee shall provide the President with copies of correspondence and documents received or engaged in by the committee relative to its subject of review or field of responsibility.
(F) Terms of appointments. Appointments to all committees shall become effective upon approval of such appointment by the Board of Trustees of the village. Appointments of standing committees shall be for one year or for the appointee’s term of office, whichever occurs sooner, unless sooner terminated by law, resignation or action of the Board of Trustees. Appointments to other committees shall be for the duration of the committee or the appointee’s term of office, whichever occurs sooner, unless sooner terminated by law, resignation or action of the Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 30.016) (Ord. 93-010, passed 5-4-1993; Ord. 95-018, passed 9-22-1995; Ord. 96-023, passed 7-1-1996; Ord. 99-020, passed 5-25-1999; Ord. 13- , passed - -2013)
It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb any meeting of the Board of Trustees or of any committee thereof. The Village President or other officer chairing any meeting may order the ejection by the Village Police from the meeting of any person who persists in disturbing a meeting after having been requested to cease and desist.
(Prior Code, § 30.019)
(A) The Village President shall preside at all meetings of the Village Board. He or she shall not vote on any ordinance, resolution or motion, except:
(1) Where the vote of the Trustees has resulted in a tie; and
(2) Where one-half of the Trustees have voted in favor of an ordinance, resolution or motion even though there is no tie vote.
(B) In both instances specified, the Village President shall vote.
(C) Nothing in this section shall deprive an acting President or President pro tem from voting in his or her capacity as Trustee, but he or she shall not be entitled to another vote in his or her capacity as acting President or President pro tem.
(Prior Code, § 30.020)
(A) (1) All resolutions and motions:
(a) That create any liability against the village;
(b) That provide for the expenditure or appropriation of its money; or
(c) To sell any village or school property, and all ordinances, passed by the Village Board shall be deposited with the City Clerk.
(2) If the Village President approves an ordinance or resolution, he or she shall sign it.
(3) Those ordinances, resolutions, and motions which the Village President disapproves shall be returned to the City Council, with the Village President's written objections, at the next regular meeting of the City Council occurring not less than five days after their passage.
(4) The Village President may disapprove of any one or more sums appropriated in any ordinance, resolution, or motion making an appropriation, and, if so, the remainder shall be effective. However, the Village President may disapprove entirely of an ordinance, resolution, or motion making an appropriation, and, if so, the remainder shall be effective. However, the Village President may disapprove entirely of an ordinance, resolution, or motion making an appropriation.. If the Village President fails to return any ordinance or any specified resolution or motion with his or her written objections within the designated time, it shall become effective despite the absence of the Village President's signature.
(B) Every resolution and motion specified in division (A), and every ordinance, that is returned to the Board by the Village President shall be reconsidered by the Board at the next regular meeting following the regular meeting at which the Board receives the Village President's written objection. If, after reconsideration, two-thirds of all the trustees then holding office agree at that regular meeting to pass an ordinance, resolution, or motion, notwithstanding the Village President's refusal to approve it, then it shall be effective. The vote on the question of passage over the Village President's veto shall be by yeas and nays and shall be recorded in the journal.