All the rules and regulations concerning the use of the facilities of the natural gas system of the village and the consumption of gas therefrom shall become a part of the contract with every gas customer, and every gas customer shall be subject thereto and bound thereby.
(Prior Code, § 51.016) (Ord. 121, passed 9-2-1958)
(A) The village shall not be required to extend service within the village limits a distance of more than 100 feet per customer, and only then when sufficient funds are available, in excess of those required for the proper operation of the system. Extension of mains and service outside of the village limits shall be subject to approval of the Board and shall be also subject to all of the rules and regulations and provisions as provided herein or as may be amended.
(B) Where service is desired when funds for extensions are not available or/and when the distance is in excess of the 100 feet per customer noted above, such extension can be made if the applicant will deposit with the village the estimated cost of making the extension, less 100 feet, when funds are available, or the entire amount when funds are not available. The amount so deposited shall be refunded to such consumer or consumers at the rate of 50% of each monthly billing until the total deposited has been refunded. Such deposit shall be interest free. In the event that the amount deposited is greater or less than the actual cost of the extension, such excess or deficiency shall be corrected prior to giving service.
(C) Deposits made under the provisions of this section shall not exempt the applicant from the payment of all other charges required by this chapter.
(D) Amounts received by the village for such extensions shall be deposited in the Meter Deposit Fund and payments for refunds shall likewise be paid from the same fund.
(Prior Code, § 51.017) (Ord. 121, passed 9-2-1958)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or customer to break the seal of any meter or in any manner to make any alterations, changes or repairs on the same or to open any mains, laterals, service pipes, stop cocks, valves or any part thereof or otherwise tamper with or attempt to do any work on either or any of them without authority of the village or its properly authorized agent. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section or who shall willfully or maliciously injure or damage any property connected with the gas system of the village shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter prescribed.
(Prior Code, § 51.018) (Ord. 121, passed 9-2-1958)
The President shall appoint a committee of two members of the Board as a Gas Committee, one of whom shall be appointed as Chairperson. It shall be the Gas Committee’s duty to confer with the duly authorized agent appointed to operate and maintain the gas system of the village and to institute such additional rules and regulations for the operation of the Gas Department as may be required for its efficient operation from time to time. All action of the Committee shall be subject to the approval of the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 51.019) (Ord. 121, passed 9-2-1958)
(A) Plans for construction work which include trenching or excavation must include the general location of all natural gas service lines and mains which cross the construction or are located within ten feet of the outer limits of the proposed trenching or excavation.
(B) A preconstruction conference must be held not less than two weeks prior to the beginning of trenching or excavation work, and minutes of that conference must be maintained in the permanent records of the gas utility.
(C) The preconstruction conference mentioned in division (B) above should be attended by the superintendent of the excavator and by the Gas Manager or Superintendent of the Gas Utility or a designated member of the Gas Committee.
(D) A written request for surface marking must be delivered by the excavator to the Gas Manager or Superintendent of the Gas Utility or a designated member of the Gas Committee not less than two full working days prior to the initiation of excavation.
(E) Gas facilities to be exposed by excavations shall be specifically identified to the Gas Manager or Superintendent of the Gas Utility or a designated member of the Gas Committee by the excavator 24 hours in advance of the time that such facility or facilities will be exposed.
(F) The excavator shall report any incident in which gas facilities are accidentally exposed, but not damaged, to the Gas Manager or Superintendent of the Gas Utility or a designated member of the Gas Committee not less than two hours following such accidental exposure of facilities.
(G) A qualified employee of the village’s gas utility shall be present at the site of any excavation occurring within ten feet of any gas service line or other gas facility.
(H) The cost incurred in providing the person described in division (G) above shall be paid by the excavator at actual cost to the Gas Utility of the village.
(Prior Code, § 51.020) (Ord. 88-012, passed 9-20-1988)