Off Street Parking and Loading Facilities
1159.01   General requirements.
1159.02   Parking space dimensions.
1159.03   Loading space requirements and dimensions.
1159.04   Paving.
1159.05   Drainage.
1159.06   Maintenance.
1159.07   Lighting.
1159.08   Location of parking spaces.
1159.09   Screening and/or landscaping.
1159.10   Minimum distance and setbacks.
1159.11   Joint use.
1159.12   Wheel blocks.
1159.13   Width of driveway aisle.
1159.14   Striping.
1159.15   Parking space requirements.
1159.16   General interpretations.
      Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
      On-street parking - see TRAF. Ch. 351
   (a)   No building or structure shall be erected, substantially altered, or its use changed unless permanently maintained off street parking and/or loading spaces have been provided in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Any exceptions to this provision shall be granted only by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (b)   The provisions of this chapter, except where there is a change of use, shall not apply to any existing building or structure.
     (c)    Whenever a building or use is constructed or established or changed, in any way, or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise to create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking spaces, additional parking spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or structure existing prior to the effective date of this Ordinance is enlarged to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise, said building or structure shall then and thereafter comply with the full parking requirements set forth herein.
   A parking space shall have minimum rectangular dimensions of not less than nine (9) feet in width and nineteen (19) feet in length for ninety (90) degree angle parking, nine (9) feet in width and twenty-three (23) feet in length for parallel parking, ten (10) feet in width and nineteen (19) feet in length for sixty (60) degree parking, and twelve (12) feet in width and nineteen (19) feet in length for forty-five (45) degree parking. All dimensions shall be exclusive of driveways, aisles, and other circulation areas. The number of required off-street parking spaces is established in Section 1159.15.
   A loading space shall have minimum dimensions of not less than twelve (12) feet in width, fifty (50) feet in length, exclusive of driveways, aisles, and other circulation areas, and a clearance height of not less than fifteen (15) feet. One off-street loading space shall be provided and maintained on the same lot requiring delivery of goods and having a modified gross floor area of up to five thousand (5,000) square feet. One loading space shall be provided for each additional ten thousand (10,000) square feet or fraction thereof of ground floor area.
1159.04 PAVING.
   The required number of parking and loading spaces, as set forth in Sections 1159.03 and 1159.15, together with driveways, aisles, and other circulation areas, after approval. Construction shall be as follows:
   (a)   Topsoil shall be removed; curbs shall be constructed on both sides; base shall be excavated for not less than eleven (11) inches of number 304 stone, and compacted and paved with not less than two (2) inches of asphalt or six (6) inches of concrete. All paving shall be completed within one (1) year of approval.
1159.05 DRAINAGE.
   All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage of surface water to prevent damage by such water onto adjacent properties or walkways.
   The owner of property used for parking and/or loading shall maintain such area in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash, and other debris.
1159.07 LIGHTING.
   Any lights used to illuminate a parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property.