For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following parking space requirements shall apply:
 Type of Use    
Parking Spaces Required
Single family or two family dwelling.
Two for each unit.
Apartments, multi-family dwelling.
Two for each unit.
Boarding Houses, rooming houses.   
One for each sleeping room, or
One for each permanent occupant.
Mobile and/or Manufactured Homes.
Two for each unit.
Automotive Service garages which provide repair services
One for each two gasoline pumps and two for each service bay.
Funeral Homes.
One for each 100 square feet of
floor area.
Outdoor Swimming pools, public or    community, or club
One for each five (5) personscapacity plus one for each four (4) seats or one for each
30 square feet of floor area
used for seating purposes,
whichever is greater.
Retail Stores.
One for each 250 square feet
of floor area.
Banks, financial institutions and similar uses.
One for each 250 square feet of floor area.
Offices, public or professional administration, or service building.
One for each 400 square feet of floor area.
All other types of businesses or commercial    uses permitted in any business district.
One for each 300 square feet of floor area.
Churches and other places of religious assembly.
One for each five (5) seats.
Medical and dental clinics.
One for every 250 square feet
of floor area of examination,
treating room, office and
waiting room.
One for each 400 square feet
of floor area.
Elementary and Junior High Schools.
Two for each classroom and one
for every eight seats in
auditorium or assembly halls.
High School.
One for every ten students and
one for each teacher and
Kindergarten, child care centers,   nursery schools and similar uses.
Two for each classroom but not less than six for the building
All types of manufacturing, storage, and wholesale uses permitted in any manufacturing district.
One for every two employees (on the largest shift for and/or designed).