Driveways serving individual parking spaces shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet wide for ninety degree parking, twelve (12) feet wide for parallel parking, seventeen and one-half (17 ½) feet wide for sixty (60) degree parking, and thirteen (13) feet wide for forty-five (45) degree parking.
For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following parking space requirements shall apply:
Type of Use | Parking Spaces Required |
Single family or two family dwelling. | Two for each unit. |
Apartments, multi-family dwelling. | Two for each unit. |
Boarding Houses, rooming houses. | One for each sleeping room, or One for each permanent occupant. |
Mobile and/or Manufactured Homes. | Two for each unit. |
Automotive Service garages which provide repair services | One for each two gasoline pumps and two for each service bay. |
Funeral Homes. | One for each 100 square feet of floor area. |
Outdoor Swimming pools, public or community, or club | One for each five (5) personscapacity plus one for each four (4) seats or one for each 30 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes, whichever is greater. |
Retail Stores. | One for each 250 square feet of floor area. |
Banks, financial institutions and similar uses. | One for each 250 square feet of floor area. |
Offices, public or professional administration, or service building. | One for each 400 square feet of floor area. |
All other types of businesses or commercial uses permitted in any business district. |
for each 300 square feet of floor area. |
Churches and other places of religious assembly. | One for each five (5) seats. |
Medical and dental clinics. | One for every 250 square feet of floor area of examination, treating room, office and waiting room. |
Libraries. | One for each 400 square feet of floor area. |
Elementary and Junior High Schools. | Two for each classroom and one for every eight seats in auditorium or assembly halls. |
High School. | One for every ten students and one for each teacher and employee. |
Kindergarten, child care centers, nursery schools and similar uses. | Two for each classroom but not less than six for the building |
All types of manufacturing, storage, and wholesale uses permitted in any manufacturing district. | One for every two employees (on the largest shift for and/or designed). |
In the interpretation of this chapter, the following rules shall govern:
(a) Parking spaces for other permitted or conditional uses not listed in this chapter shall be determined by the Board upon an appeal from a decision of the Zoning Inspector.
(b) Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
(c) When a reason for parking demand is usually low, then the parking space provisions cited above may be reduced proportionately by the Board upon an appeal from a decision by the Zoning Inspector.