Off Street Parking and Loading Facilities
1159.01   General requirements.
1159.02   Parking space dimensions.
1159.03   Loading space requirements and dimensions.
1159.04   Paving.
1159.05   Drainage.
1159.06   Maintenance.
1159.07   Lighting.
1159.08   Location of parking spaces.
1159.09   Screening and/or landscaping.
1159.10   Minimum distance and setbacks.
1159.11   Joint use.
1159.12   Wheel blocks.
1159.13   Width of driveway aisle.
1159.14   Striping.
1159.15   Parking space requirements.
1159.16   General interpretations.
      Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
      On-street parking - see TRAF. Ch. 351