General Provisions and Definitions
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Ordinance 577, passed July 13, 1981, provided for an agreement to indemnify the County for any liability resulting from any negligence or omission by an employee or subcontractor of the Village in the maintenance of any County right of way. Copies of such Ordinance are available, at cost, at the Village Hall.
1020.01   Definitions.
1020.02   Authority of Manager and Engineer re permits.
1020.03   Bonds.
1020.04   Liability of contractors.
1020.99   Penalty.
   Power to vacate, open, grade and improve streets - see ll. R.S. Ch. 24, § 11-61-2
   Power to regulate use of streets - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, §§ 11-80-1 et seq.
   Barricades and warning lights - see S.U. & P.S. 1024.08