(A)   M1 District intent, permitted uses and special exception uses.
      (1)   District intent. The M1 (Multiple- Family Residential) District is intended to be used as follows.
         (a)   Use type and intensity. Medium density two-family homes on small to medium sized lots.
         (b)   Application of M1 District.
            1.   Existing and new development; and
            2.   Small area zoning.
         (c)   Development standards. Enact stringent development standards to protect the quality of life for tenants and surrounding zoning districts.
         (d)   Appropriate adjacent zoning districts. PR, AG, R3, UR, M1, M2, MP, UV, IS, NC and LC.
         (e)   Plan Commission. Use the M1 District for existing developments and carefully for new multiple-family residential development.
         (f)   Board of Zoning Appeals. Allow a special exception use only when it is compatible with the surrounding residential areas
      (2)   Permitted uses.
         (a)   Accessory permitted uses.
            1.   Home business (Type 1); and
            2.   Small wind turbine system.
         (b)   Residential permitted uses.
            1.   Dwelling, multiple-family (two or three units);
            2.   Dwelling, single-family attached;
            3.   Dwelling, single-family detached; and
            4.   Fair housing facility (small).
      (3)   Special exception uses. Residential special exception uses: dwelling, multiple-family (four to six units).
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.15)
   (B)   M1 District development standards.
      (1)   Lots.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Six thousand square feet.
         (b)   Minimum lot width. Fifty feet.
         (c)   Sewer and water. Sanitary sewer and water utility required.
      (2)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Minimum front yard setback. Twenty-five feet for primary and accessory structures.
         (b)   Minimum side yard setback.
            1.   Twenty feet aggregate setback for primary structures, with eight feet minimum setback for any one side yard or zero feet for attached dwellings with a common wall on the property line; and
            2.   Accessory structures five feet.
         (c)   Minimum rear yard setback.
            1.   Thirty feet for primary structure; and
            2.   Fifteen feet for accessory structure
      (3)   Lot coverage.
         (a)   Maximum lot coverage. Fifty percent of lot area.
         (b)   Minimum main floor area. N/A.
         (c)   Minimum dwelling unit size. One thousand square feet.
         (d)   Maximum density. Six units per acre.
         (e)   Maximum primary structures. One per lot.
      (4)   Maximum height structure.
         (a)   Forty feet for primary structure;
         (b)   Twenty feet for accessory structure; and
         (c)   Two stories.
   (C)   Additional development standards that apply.
      (1)   Accessory structure. See § 165.262(A) and (D).
      (2)   Density and intensity. See § 165.265.
      (3)   Driveway. See § 165.266(A) and (D).
      (4)   Environmental. See § 165.267.
      (5)   Fence and wall. See § 165.268(A) and (D).
      (6)   Floodplain. See § 165.270.
      (7)   Height. See § 165.271.
      (8)   Home business. See § 165.272(A).
      (9)   Keeping of animals. See § 165.273(A).
      (10)   Landscaping. See §§ 165.305 through 165.307, 165.311 and 165.312.
      (11)   Lighting. See § 165.275.
      (12)   Lot. See § 165.277.
      (13)   Outdoor storage. See § 165.281(A).
      (14)   Parking. See §§ 165.325 and 165.328.
      (15)   Performance. See § 165.282.
      (16)   Public improvement. See § 165.283.
      (17)   Setback. See § 165.284(A).
      (18)   Sewer and water. See § 165.285.
      (19)   Sign. See §§ 165.345 and 165.348.
      (20)   Special exception. See § 165.287.
      (21)   Storage tank. See § 165.288(A).
      (22)   Structure. See § 165.289.
      (23)   Temporary use. See § 165.291(A) and (C).
      (24)   Trash receptacle. See § 165.292.
      (25)   Vision clearance. See § 165.293.
      (26)   Wind turbine system. See § 165.294(A).
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.16)