(A)   KA-01: single-family residential keeping of household and outdoor pets standards. This keeping of animals standards division (A) applies to the following zoning districts: R1; R2; R3; UR; and M1. The following standards apply.
      (1)   Exotic animals. Exotic animals shall not be permitted.
      (2)   Household pets (indoor). Any number of household pets are permitted as defined.
      (3)   Outdoor pets.
         (a)   Generally. Outdoor pets are permitted as follows in division (A)(3)(b) below.
         (b)   Maximum number of outdoor pets. One outdoor pet per one-fifth acre with an absolute maximum of five.
      (4)   Farm animals. All farm animals shall be prohibited except chickens, which are permitted as follows:
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One-fifth acre;
         (b)   Maximum number of farm animals. Three chickens per lot;
         (c)   Permitted and prohibited types. Hens shall be permitted and roosters shall be prohibited; and
         (d)   Location. A chicken coop shall be permitted, but only in the rear yard and within the setbacks applicable to a primary structure in the subject zoning district.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 5.37)
   (B)   KA-02: multiple-family residential keeping of household and outdoor pets standards. This keeping of animals standards division (B) applies to the following zoning districts: M2; MP; NC; and CB. The following standards apply.
      (1)   Exotic animals. Exotic animals shall not be permitted.
      (2)   Household pets (indoor). Any number of household pets are permitted as defined.
      (3)   Outdoor pets. Outdoor pets are not permitted.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 5.38)
   (C)   KA-03: agricultural keeping of farm animals standards. This keeping of animals standards division (C) applies to the following zoning districts: AG; and IA. The following standards apply.
      (1)   Exotic animals. One exotic animal is permitted per 25 acres.
      (2)   Household pets (indoor). Any number of household pets are permitted as defined.
      (3)   Outdoor pets. Outdoor pets are permitted as follows:
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One-fifth acre; and
         (b)   Maximum number of outdoor pets. One outdoor pet per one-fifth acre with an absolute maximum of six.
      (4)   Farm animals. Farm animals are permitted as follows:
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Five acres for all farm animals, except chickens, which require one-fifth acre;
         (b)   Minimum pasture area. Two acres or all farm animals, except chickens, which require one-fifth acre;
         (c)   Maximum animal units. One animal unit per two acres of fenced pasture, except chickens, which shall not exceed five per lot when the lot area is less than five acres, otherwise maximum animal units shall be as in the below table.
         (d)   Determination of animal units. See table below.
Animal Type
Animals Per Animal Unit
Cattle, buffalo and similar
Chicken, turkey, pheasant and similar
Goat, sheep, llama, alpaca and similar
Horse (34 inches or less at withers)
Horse, mule, donkey, camel and similar
Swine, ostrich, emu and similar
         (e)   Other animal types. The Zoning Administrator shall determine “animals per animal unit” for all other species.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 5.39)