This landscaping standards section applies to the following zoning districts: PR; AG; IA; R1; R2; R3; UR; M1; M2; MP; UV; IS; NC; LC; GC; OC; CB; HC; EP; IC; I1; I2; and HI. The intent of the pond planting standards is to require a reasonable amount of plant materials around ponds to enhance the visual quality of the development, add shadows to cool water temperature and provide habitat and to prevent soil erosion. The following standards apply.
   (A)   Project applicability. Pond plantings shall be installed around retention ponds, detention facilities and recreational ponds that exceed 20,000 square feet in area.
   (B)   Quantity.
      (1)   Generally. The quantities listed below are in addition to landscape materials that may be required by lot planting, parking lot planting, street tree planting and bufferyard planting specified in other parts of this landscaping standards section.
      (2)   Perimeter planting. One tree and two shrubs per 8,000 square feet of pond area shall be required.
   (C)   Placement. Landscape materials shall be installed within 20 feet of the edge of the water, and grouping of landscape materials is encouraged to imitate natural vegetation.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010,§ 5.48)