(A)   IA District intent, permitted uses and special exception uses.
      (1)   District intent. The IA (Intense Agricultural) District is intended to be used as follows.
         (a)   Use type and intensity. Medium to high intensity agricultural operations that may have a higher impact on adjacent properties.
         (b)   Application of IA District. Existing agricultural land.
         (c)   Development standards. Enact strict development standards to maximize protection of common agricultural practices.
         (d)   Appropriate adjacent zoning districts. PR, AG, IA, I1, I2 and HI.
         (e)   Plan Commission.
            1.   Use the IA District for existing agricultural land; and
            2.   Protect the land and operations within the IA District from residential, commercial and industrial encroachment through the use of appropriate buffers and setbacks.
         (f)   Board of Zoning Appeals.
            1.   Protect the integrity of land and operations within the IA District; and
            2.   Be sensitive to the potential for water pollution and other negative impacts to nearby agricultural, residential and commercial land.
      (2)   Permitted uses.
         (a)   Accessory permitted uses. Small wind turbine system.
         (b)   Agricultural permitted uses.
            1.   Agricultural crop production;
            2.   Confined feeding operation (small);
            3.   Grain elevator;
            4.   Hobby farming;
            5.   Land conservation;
            6.   Orchard;
            7.   Processing of agricultural products;
            8.   Raising of exotic animals;
            9.   Raising of farm animals;
            10.   Roadside sales;
            11.   Sales of agricultural products;
            12.   Stable (private);
            13.   Storage of agricultural products;
            14.   Tree farm;
            15.   Truck farming;
            16.   Vineyard; and
            17.   Wholesale tree nursery.
         (c)   Institutional permitted uses. Composting facility, public.
         (d)   Residential permitted uses.
            1.   Dwelling, single-family detached; and
            2.   Fair housing facility (small).
      (3)   Special exceptions uses.
         (a)   Agricultural special exception uses. Confined feeding operation (large).
         (b)   Commercial special exception uses. Kennel (commercial).
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.05)
   (B)   IA District development standards.
      (1)   Lots.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Five acres.
         (b)   Minimum lot width. One thousand six hundred feet.
         (c)   Sewer and water. Sanitary sewer and water utility are not required.
      (2)   Setbacks.
         (a)   Minimum front yard setback. Seven hundred fifty feet for primary and accessory structures.
         (b)   Minimum side yard setback. Seven hundred fifty feet for primary and accessory structures.
         (c)   Minimum rear yard setback. Seven hundred fifty feet for primary and accessory structures.
      (3)   Lot coverage.
         (a)   Maximum lot coverage. Fifteen percent of lot area.
         (b)   Minimum main floor area. N/A.
         (c)   Minimum dwelling unit size. One thousand square feet.
         (d)   Maximum primary structures. No limit.
      (4)   Maximum structure height.
         (a)   Forty feet for primary structure.
         (b)   Thirty feet for accessory structure.
   (C)   Additional development standards that apply.
      (1)   Accessory structure. See § 165.262(A).
      (2)   Confined feeding. See § 165.264.
      (3)   Density and intensity. See § 165.265.
      (4)   Driveway. See § 165.266(A) and (B).
      (5)   Environmental. See § 165.267.
      (6)   Fence and wall. See § 165.268(A) and (C).
      (7)   Floodplain. See § 165.270.
      (8)   Height. See § 165.271.
      (9)   Home business. See § 165.272(A) through (C).
      (10)   Keeping of animals. See § 165.273(C).
      (11)   Kennel. See § 165.274(A).
      (12)   Landscaping. See §§ 165.305, 165.306, 165.311 and 165.312.
      (13)   Lighting. See § 165.275.
      (14)   Lot. See § 165.277.
      (15)   Parking. See § 165.325.
      (16)   Performance. See § 165.282.
      (17)   Public improvement. See § 165.283
      (18)   Setback. See § 165.284(A) and (B).
      (19)   Sewer and water. See § 165.285.
      (20)   Signs. See §§ 165.345 and 165.349.
      (21)   Special exception. See § 165.287.
      (22)   Storage tank. See § 165.288(C).
      (23)   Structure. See § 165.289.
      (24)   Temporary use. See § 165.291(A).
      (25)   Trash receptacle. See § 165.292.
      (26)   Vision clearance. See § 165.293.
      (27)   Wind turbine system. See § 165.294(A) and (B).
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 2.06)