1501.01   Title.
1501.02   Purpose and intent of Code.
1501.03   Definitions.
1501.04   Establishment of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
1501.05   Duties of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
1501.06   Establishment of the Fire Prevention Code.
1501.07   Application of the Fire Prevention Code.
1501.08   Enforcement of the Fire Prevention Code.
1501.09   Inspection fees.
1501.10   Compliance with Fire Prevention Code; penalty.
1501.11   Conflict with other codes.
1501.12   Variances.
1501.13   Appeals.
1501.14   Separability.
1501.15   File confidentiality and reproduction.
   1501.01 TITLE.
   The rules as set forth herein shall be known as the "Fire Prevention Code" and may be hereinafter referred to as the "Fire Prevention Code" or the "Code."
(Ord. 43-97. Passed 5-27-97.)
   The purpose and intent of this Code is to prescribe minimum requirements and controls to safeguard life, property, or public welfare from the hazards of fire and explosion, arising from the storage, handling or use of substances, materials or devices; from conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the use or occupancy of buildings, structures, sheds, tents, lots or premises; and to safeguard firefighters during firefighting operations. All matters within the intent of this Code and not covered by this Code shall comply with accepted engineering practices or standards in the respective field.
(Ord. 43-97. Passed 5-27-97.)
   1501.03 DEFINITIONS.
   (a)    The following are general definitions found throughout "Part Fifteen - Fire Prevention Code”:
      (1)   "Municipality" means the City of Richmond Heights, Ohio.
      (2)   "City" means the City of Richmond Heights, Ohio.
      (3)   "Corporation Counsel" means the Law Director of the City.
      (4)   "Fire Department" means the Fire Division of the Department of Public Safety.
      (5)   "Bureau" means the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
      (6)   "Fire Safety Inspector" means any person possessing a certificate in accordance with Ohio R.C. 3737.34 as a Certified Fire Safety Inspector.
      (7)   "Code" means the Fire Prevention Code as established in Section 1501.06.
      (8)   "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Building and Zoning.
      (9)   "Responsible Party" means the owner or manager of the occupancy.
   (b)    Other sections of this Code may contain additional definitions.
(Ord. 43-97. Passed 5-27-97.)