(a) In sloping terrain, streets shall generally run parallel to the contour of the land or preferably cross at a slight angle therewith. The general objectives are to avoid steep street grades, heavy concentrations of storm surface runoff, abnormal differential in building elevations at opposite sides of the street and excessive grading operations. Appropriate treatment shall be given to encourage the preservation of existing views, wooded areas, creeks and other attractive natural features of the plat.
(b) Where an approved plan designates an area to be preserved as natural areas, prior to clearing the land, the designated natural areas shall be protected during the entire construction period of improvements with orange vinyl latticed construction fencing of a minimum height of four (4) feet, secured with metal t-posts, demarcating the approved limits of clearing on the site. Where the established limits of clearing run through a tree of nine (9) inches or more diameter at breast height (DBH), the fencing shall circle the tree no closer than six (6) feet from the trunk or other methods approved by the Building Commissioner. The applicant shall be responsible for maintenance of the fencing at all times.
(Ord. 26-2006. Passed 3-28-06.)