1111.01 Conformity with Major Street Plan.
1111.02 Continuation of existing streets.
1111.03 Circulation.
1111.04 Street intersections.
1111.05 Street jogs.
1111.06 Half-streets.
1111.07 Topographical and cultural features.
1111.08 Alleys.
1111.09 Portion of tract; topography and sketch layout.
1111.10 Dead-end streets.
1111.11 Cul-de-sac street.
1111.12 Relation to major streets.
1111.13 Development along railroads.
1111.14 Public sites and open spaces.
1111.15 Typical street standards.
1111.16 Minimum and maximum grades.
1111.17 Street alignment.
1111.18 Intersections.
1111.19 Blocks.
1111.20 Lots.
Specifications for public and private roads - see P. & Z. Ch. 1103
The arrangement, character, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Major Street Plan for the opening, widening or extension of any street, road or major thoroughfare as adopted by the Planning Commission or otherwise by ordinance of Council, in the public interest. Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes any part of such thoroughfare as approved or shown on the adopted plan such part shall be dedicated to the public for street purposes by the subdivider.
(Ord. 120-91. Passed 8-9-93.)
The street pattern shall provide ease of circulation within the subdivision, but the minor streets therein shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. Insofar as practical, the street arrangement should provide proper access to schools, playgrounds, transportation and other community features. New street openings shall generally be prohibited within 600 feet of any major intersection or crossing such as those formed by a railroad and a highway, two or more highways or from the head of any major bridge, grade separation structure or like facilities, as measured along the centerline from the intersection or from such structure.
(Ord. 120-91. Passed 8-9-93.)
(Ord. 120-91. Passed 8-9-93.)