1111.01 Conformity with Major Street Plan.
1111.02 Continuation of existing streets.
1111.03 Circulation.
1111.04 Street intersections.
1111.05 Street jogs.
1111.06 Half-streets.
1111.07 Topographical and cultural features.
1111.08 Alleys.
1111.09 Portion of tract; topography and sketch layout.
1111.10 Dead-end streets.
1111.11 Cul-de-sac street.
1111.12 Relation to major streets.
1111.13 Development along railroads.
1111.14 Public sites and open spaces.
1111.15 Typical street standards.
1111.16 Minimum and maximum grades.
1111.17 Street alignment.
1111.18 Intersections.
1111.19 Blocks.
1111.20 Lots.
Specifications for public and private roads - see P. & Z. Ch. 1103