1397.01 Purpose.
1397.02 Definitions.
1397.03 Registration required.
1397.04 Designated agent; notice and service of process.
1397.05 Exempt rental dwelling units.
1397.06 Registration application form.
1397.07 Registration term and renewal.
1397.08 Fees.
1397.09 Inspections.
1397.10 Maintenance standards.
1397.11 Responsibility of designated agent.
1397.12 Retaliatory evictjion prohibited.
1397.13 Notice of violations.
1397.14 Appeals.
1397.15 Failure to remediate.
1397.16 Disclaimer of liability.
1397.17 Saving clause.
1397.18 Validity.
1397.99 Penalties.
(a) It is the purpose of this chapter to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of Reynoldsburg by establishing minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance, and condition of all rental housing properties, to impose certain responsibilities and duties upon owners and operators; to authorize and establish procedures for the inspection of rental housing properties; to provide for the issuance of rental certification; to establish a fee schedule for inspection; to authorize the vacation or condemnation of dwelling structures that are unsafe or unfit for human habitation; and to fix penalties for violations of this chapter.
(b) Rental housing with code violations are a risk to new development, housing stock, property values, public health, safety, and welfare in the City of Reynoldsburg. This chapter is hereby declared to be remedial and essential for the public interest, and it is intended that this chapter be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes as stated herein.
(Ord. 28-2021. Passed 3-22-21.)
As used in this chapter, the words and terms below shall have the following meanings respectively prescribed to them in this chapter:
(a) "Appeal" means a written notice to be filed with the City Board of Zoning and Building Appeals challenging a notice of violation. Such appeal must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the date of the notice of violation.
(b) "City" means the City of Reynoldsburg.
(c) "Designated City Official" means the Director of Public Service or a designee.
(d) "Designated agent" means a business entity located in or an individual person eighteen (18) years or older residing in the State of Ohio with an address other than a post office box and named by an owner as a secondary point of contact regarding the use or condition of land and the occupancy and physical condition of structures on a platted lot or parcel of land.
(e) "Dwelling" means any building or portion of a building that contains one (1) or more dwelling units used, intended, or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or that is occupied for living purposes.
(f) "Dwelling unit" means a space within a dwelling, comprised of a living, cooking and dining area, a sleeping room or rooms, storage closets and bathing and toilet facilities, all used by only one (1) family.
(g) "Lease" means the written or oral agreement that sets forth any and all conditions concerning the use and occupancy of rental units.
(h) "Notice of violation" means a notice issued by the Designated City Official to the owner of real property or to their designated agent that there has been a violation of a provision of this chapter or any other applicable section of the Reynoldsburg City Code, ordinance, rule or regulation concerning the occupancy or condition of a premises that is or contains a rental dwelling unit.
(i) "Premises" means a real property parcel of land and the structures on that parcel containing at least one (1) residential dwelling unit or one (1) commercial or industrial business space, including lots in manufactured home parks or platted lots or parcels outside a manufactured home park where a mobile home, manufactured home or industrialized unit may be located.
(j) "Owner" means any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall have the legal or equitable title to a property, and shall include executors, administrators, trustees or guardians of the estate of the owner, and any purchaser or assignee under a certificate of sale pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure. The term "owner" shall also include partnerships and other unincorporated associations. Any individual owner, regardless of whether he or she shares ownership responsibility with any other person, any general partner of a partnership, and any officer of a corporation or unincorporated association, shall have direct and personal responsibility and liability for compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(k) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust partnership or association, two (2) or more persons having a joint interest or any other legal or community entity.
(l) "Property manager" means a person other than the owner that has managing control of a rental unit.
(m) "Rent" means the offering, holding out or actual leasing of rental property to an occupant other than the owner and generally involves the payment of a rental amount although other forms of consideration may be involved or no consideration at all may be involved.
(n) "Rental dwelling unit" means any structure or part thereof rented or leased by a person or persons other than the owner for residential purposes. "Rental dwelling units" may also be known as a rental dwelling, rental unit, dwelling unit, or housekeeping unit and may be a mobile home, manufactured home, or industrialized unit.
(o) "Rental Inspector" means a person designated by the Designated City Official, qualified to conduct exterior and interior inspections of rental properties within the City. "Rental Inspector" may include, but is not limited to, Code Compliance Officers, Chief Building Official, and Assistant Chief Building Official.
(p) "Short-term rental" means any dwelling that is rented wholly or partly for a fee less than thirty (30) consecutive days by persons other than the permanent occupant or owner from whom the permanent occupant or owner receive monetary compensation.
(q) "Tenant" means any person who rents or leases a rental housing property for living or dwelling purposes with the consent of the landlord, whether or not rent is paid to the owner.
(Ord. 28-2021. Passed 3-22-21.)