The number of feet to be charged the fee which is required by Section 941.14 shall be determined by the use of an engineer's scale applied to the record drawings for the sewers sought to be tapped, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and the widths so determined by the Clerk of Council issuing the permit shall be final.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
Residential lots and residential parcels of property that do not abut public streets or other public rights-of-way shall be charged a front foot fee pursuant to Section 941.14 that is calculated as set forth herein.
(b) If the residential lot or parcel is used for single family residential purposes and the lot or parcel exceeds the R-1 lot area of 40,000 foot square per family as set forth in Section 1175.02, then the front foot fee calculation shall be based on the R-1 lot width dimensions of 150 feet as set forth in 1175.02. If said residential single family lot or residential single family parcel is subdivided, then there shall be an additional front foot fee for each additional parcel and said front foot fee will be based on the lot width dimension as set forth in Section 1175.02 in accordance with Section 941.18(1) or Section 941.18(2).
(Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)
In order to provide revenue to help finance and to more equitably distribute the cost of the construction of necessary additions to both the sewer system and the sewage treatment facilities, it is hereby determined necessary to provide for the establishment, exaction and regulation of a sanitary sewer system-capacity charge as hereinafter determined with such charge to be in addition to any and all other fees which may be imposed with respect to the sewer system under the provisions of existing ordinances of the City.
(Ord. 13-71. Passed 2-22-71; Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)
Unless otherwise provided for in legislation authorizing special contractual arrangements, funds received from the collection of the sewer system-capacity charge shall be deposited with the City Auditor who shall credit them to a special fund from which Council may make appropriations for the payment of the cost and expense of the construction, operation, maintenance, management and repair of the sanitary sewage systems, regulator chambers, storm standby tanks, pumping stations and sewage treatment works and for the payment of the cost and expense of replacement extensions to or the enlargement of same and for the payment of principal and interest on any debt incurred for the construction of such sewage treatment works and for the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of such debt; except that one-third of all such charges so collected against any and all properties and premises connected into sewers that have become tributary to the Columbus Sewer System shall be payable to the City of Columbus.
(Ord. 102-81. Passed 12-14-81; Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)
(a) Where any property in the City has a changed use that would make it subject to a different system capacity charge, or similar charge, then such property shall be subject to the full appropriate charge for the changed use, less any previously paid system capacity charge for the prior use, to which the change of use can be ascribed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. In no event, however, shall a refund of any previously paid sewer system capacity charge be made by the City.
(b) Where any property in the City has a changed use that would make it subject to a system capacity charge, or similar charge, then such property shall be subject to the full appropriate charge for the changed use, less a credit in proportion to any previously paid sewer benefit fee charged under the provisions of any then existing ordinance of the City to which such change of use can be ascribed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. In no event, however, shall a refund of any previously paid sewer benefit fee be made by the City.
(Ord. 60-73. Passed 4-9-73.)