Upon making an application to tap any main trunk or lateral sewer built or owned by the City for the purpose of draining the house sewer of any property directly into such main trunk or lateral sewer, and where the property has not been heretofore specially assessed for the construction of a sewer to provide a lateral sewer benefit, the Director of Public Service shall cause a fee to be exacted for the privilege of making such a direct connection from the house sewer to such main trunk or lateral sewer before a permit is issued therefor.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
(Ord. 63-89. Passed 5-22-89; Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)
Beginning January 1, 2000 the fee to be exacted under Section 941.13 shall be computed on the basis of twenty-nine dollars ($29.00) a foot of width of the property as defined in Sections 941.15, 941.16, 941.17 and 941.18. All sums collected hereunder shall be placed to the credit of the Water Wastewater Sewer Fund.
Beginning January 1, 2001 the fee to be exacted under Section 941.13 shall be computed on the basis of forty dollars ($40.00) a foot of width of the property as defined in Sections 941.15, 941.16, 941.17 and 941.18. All sums collected hereunder shall be placed to the credit of the Water Wastewater Sewer Fund.
The fee referred to in this section shall be reviewed by the Water Wastewater Superintendent on an annual basis, and a report made to Council as to any adjustment(s) that should be made. The first report should be made January 1, 2001.
(Ord. 39-99. Passed 4-12-99)
Lots or parcels of ground having the same width at the front and rear and the same depth on each side shall be charged the fee provided in Section 941.14 on the basis of the actual frontage. However, if a lot or parcel of ground abuts on a street or other public way and the owner elects to construct a building fronting on the street or public way abutting such depth, the fee shall be exacted for such depth.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
Lots or parcels of ground which are of irregular shape shall be charged the fee provided in Section 941.14 on the basis of the width of such property, as measured on a line forty feet from the front lot line and parallel to the center line of the street upon which such property is to face, except that for lots or parcels of ground having curved frontage, the widths to be charged for shall be measured on a line parallel to and forty feet distant from a line tangent to such curved frontage at a point midway between the sides of the lots or parcels of ground.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
The number of feet to be charged the fee which is required by Section 941.14 shall be determined by the use of an engineer's scale applied to the record drawings for the sewers sought to be tapped, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and the widths so determined by the Clerk of Council issuing the permit shall be final.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
Residential lots and residential parcels of property that do not abut public streets or other public rights-of-way shall be charged a front foot fee pursuant to Section 941.14 that is calculated as set forth herein.
(b) If the residential lot or parcel is used for single family residential purposes and the lot or parcel exceeds the R-1 lot area of 40,000 foot square per family as set forth in Section 1175.02, then the front foot fee calculation shall be based on the R-1 lot width dimensions of 150 feet as set forth in 1175.02. If said residential single family lot or residential single family parcel is subdivided, then there shall be an additional front foot fee for each additional parcel and said front foot fee will be based on the lot width dimension as set forth in Section 1175.02 in accordance with Section 941.18(1) or Section 941.18(2).
(Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)